Search results

  1. neonardo1

    Server "Upgrades"

    The previous upgrades have not gone over very well - something about AMD CPUs and BF4 don't get along well. Even though the CPU is more powerful lag is worse. We're reverting to the previous Intel CPU config which was quite smooth. I'll post an update when this is done and it should resolve...
  2. neonardo1

    Potential Server Closures (bZ #8 EU Lockers, bZ #10 HC Mixed Mode)

    With 2042 out and BF4 population down a good bit (and donations starting to drop off) we've been trimming some fat to ensure the longevity of bZ's BF4 servers. We have a few problematic servers at risk of being shut down: bZ #8 EU 24/7 Locker has a very healthy population and is the most...
  3. neonardo1

    BF4 Free on Amazon Prime

    You can get BF4 for free if you have Amazon prime. Assuming you don't want/need another copy please send me your code (via PM or discord) so I can make us more seeder accounts for :)
  4. neonardo1

    In the spirit of mudship All UCAV and mortar kills less 1 defensive M249 kill when a guy was trying to be sneaky.
  5. neonardo1

    Possible BF4 Server Downtime

    Tonight (tomorrow morning technically) our provider will be doing some pretty hefty router/capacity upgrades and it may cause our BF4 servers to face downtime or some players may experience trouble connecting. This is scheduled between 2:30 AM and 5 AM CST Tuesday June 30, 2020. Don't be...
  6. neonardo1

    Got SSDs? (1TB edition)

    Want a free 1TB SSD? Seed our BF4 servers ;)
  7. neonardo1

    Got RAM?

    In case anyone was wondering what 1.6TB (1600GB) of server RAM looks like...
  8. neonardo1

    BF4 Anti-Idle with AutoHotKeys (no AFK kick)

    This is a simplified set of instructions based on @Punk's original post at 1. Install AutoHotKeys Download and install the "current version" from 2. Download Attached bf4seed.ahk...
  9. neonardo1

    Chrome BF4 Seeding Extension

    This has been superceded by a native application that doesn't require Chrome. See for more information. We now have a Chrome extension that will aid in seeding the servers in an automated, logical fashion...
  10. neonardo1

    BF4 Server(s) Hardware Upgrades

    All 4 BF4 servers are now on a much more powerful server so we can run 60Hz across the board on servers 1 and 3 (2 and 4 were already fully 60Hz). There should also be no more random downtime of the servers from testing things, etc. In other news, server 1 didn't die overnight which makes for...
  11. neonardo1

    [FIXED] BF4 Servers 2-4 Down (Temporarily)

    Should have them back up shortly. More testing/adjustments didn't go quite right I guess when the machine was supposed to be rebooted this morning to disable hyperthreading.
  12. neonardo1

    [FIXED] bZ #2 and #3 Servers Temporarily Down

    Been working with the provider to test out new hardware to help them run better and something went wrong moving them around last night it seems. #2 and #3 are currently down. Our provider is looking into it. #1 is up and running fine (luckily).
  13. neonardo1

    Huge Shout Out to Combat1Medic!

    Wanted to give a big shout out to @Combat1Medic for his help getting server #3 going today. We were fighting all sorts of issues and between the two of us we had 6 7seeders going at one point, but we got it off the ground finally. @SquarePanties and B1gShow also helped seed today, as did Billy...
  14. neonardo1


    Thought it interesting to post since he'd been frequenting our servers. I finished getting some of the anti-cheat stuff setup on servers #2 and #3 yesterday and it looks like this fella is on ACI's banlist (and GGC's) for a PB violation (using a hack) in BF3. I know some of us were suspicious...
  15. neonardo1

    Donations & BF4 VIP Membership

    The VIP system is now up and running for our BF4 servers and for every $10 donated you get 30 days of VIP membership across all of our servers. What is VIP Membership? VIP status on our BF4 servers is the combination of perks that we give those who choose to help us out with the costs of...
  16. neonardo1

    BF4 Server Rules (2020)

    Battlefield 4 Server Rules These rules apply to all of our BF4 servers as of April 2020. There are significant changes from our rules in the past in that there are far fewer rules, and for the most part it's everything goes outside of what's listed here. Our admins operate on a point system...
  17. neonardo1

    The Return of Banzore BF4 Servers (2020)

    Hey guys, The time has come for the return of Banzore BF4 servers! We're starting with one for now and if we can get it populated and running well we hope to add more again. Things are a little bit different this time around, we're relaxing a lot of the rules we had previously back to the way...
  18. neonardo1

    Space Engineers Potential Mods

    Mainly a question for @Punk @EZ Bawlin @Niconixx and others that play on our SE server. In trying to keep the server running good, when you run a large mining ship with a sorter/discharge system for stone (or anything else) it lags the server due to spamming floating crap everywhere. I found a...
  19. neonardo1

    GTX 1060 for sale (multiple)

    Got into coin mining about 2 months ago and I don't have time to keep up with the markets and such so I'm exiting now. I know we had a few peeps in need of new cards so I was gonna offer up some reasonable prices to everyone here. I have 16 GTX1060s in total. All are 6GB model. I have some...
  20. neonardo1

    Whoops :(
