Appeal your BF4 bans here!

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You were on the ban list, and I removed you. As far as we can tell, you are no longer on the ban list. It may have to wait until the server restarts. 

I was banned from server 24/7 Hardcore Metro / Op Locker #1200 tickets for unknown reason ("GUID", don't know what that means). Perhaps for too many accidental teamkills. This was already some time ago, don't remember exactly.

My in-game name: HungGigolo69

Would you please unban me, thank you.
looked into it you are unbanned, you do have a banned guid under your ip, and the MASS amount of different names is usually a red flag for that. But now a days you never know usually means people that do that is a child or a hacker (usually) Either way, banned is cleared.
looked into it you are unbanned, you do have a banned guid under your ip, and the MASS amount of different names is usually a red flag for that. But now a days you never know usually means people that do that is a child or a hacker (usually) Either way, banned is cleared.
Thanks. I might be a "child", but I'm definitely not a hacker, but a good player... :) Sometimes I change names for fun. And to make a political statement of current events even.
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Hello Admins.

My Playername is PrivateWar84 and I was kicked/banned from your 24/7 Metro Server.  No recollection of why, as it must have happened a long while ago.  Whatever it was, I sure hope it can be looked over so me and my squad (the Spartan Battle Group) can resume playing there. 

I don't see you on the banlist cj. Checked the privatewar84 name, but nothing came up.

Maybe you had a different name at the time?

You can PM me your GUID and I'll check that out for you.
Thanks bZ.  The situation is odd, since the only change to my player tag has been when I formed SBG (the Spartan Battle Group)

My name is  [sBG] PrivateWar84

SBG and I definitely appreciate you looking into this.



PS.  Where in California are you based?
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Hey Gents, I am posting to be unbanned from your hardcore fast vehicle spawn server. I apologize I don't have the time or date since it was about a month ago (traveling purposes has prevented me from playing and didn't realize I had a permanent ban). My name is mdinks23.

I was banned for supposed hacking due to a high K-D, but I was just capping a flag as support with tons of traffic coming in. I would appreciate your assistance in getting me unbanned. Thank you. 
looking into it, we dont ban for high k-d, we usually spectate or if things dont look right such as prior bans, or weird stats, However I do not see you on the ban list
I'm still with the problem

The game has been disconnected : PunkBuster kicked you out . Reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on This Game Server for player ' Panthro - Iquique ' ... Prior Kick / Ban

when you think they can solve this problem ????
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If we can't get the exact name you are using, we can't do anything about the ban. And if they said it isn't coming up on the banlist, it isn't our problem. Sorry.
Panthro, I believe you. However, a ban list consists of names. We have 18 pages of banned individuals, all of them with names.

Your name does not appear on this list. I cannot take you off of it, if you are not on it.

PM me  your GUID, and I can try searching that way.
Hi Admins:

How are you? This is a request for unban, and also explanation of circumstances.

I was playing on the BF4 Lockers/Metro/Pearl market server on June 01st, and I was banned for griefing. The circumstances were that there was one player who some folks on that particular match thought was hacking. I thought the same too.  I asked several times if there were any admins on, and I am sure you can see this on the chat log. Since there was no response, in the next match i happened to be on the same team as this other person, and I thought that in the interest of the greater gaming community the best way to stop and dissuade hackers is to perhaps show them that their actions are not tolerated by other players. What I did was to TK him and let the players know why i was doing it via the match chat. I was banned by a -BZ- member who happened to be playing in that match too.

Now my intention was good, but upon retrospection, the means I used was not good. 

Upon further contemplation, I realize that it would have been better for me to contact an admin via email and report it, and let the admin take further action as appropriate whenever they saw the email. Also the player accused of hacking may have been very good, and therefore deserved further observation by admins over several games, since i am sure -BZ- admins are very interested in keeping hackers off the matches on this server.

The banzore server is a good server, and is one of my favorites. I request you to accept my apologies, understand the explanation of the circumstances,  and unban me from the server if you think it is the right thing to do.

Thank You,


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