Banzore - BF4 - Leaderboard (Combined Stats) :P

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Wow, ONLY 5 level 140s stacking on a 28 player server full of blueberries? It must've been a walk in the park for all those level < 50s.

You're dogshit at the game and can only play well in a stack. Time to face reality.
I am truly sorry you had EMOTIONAL DAMAGE yesterday...
Don't worry nextime we will brake the 5 ppl squad just to make you feel like you are playing Roblox. ;)
I am truly sorry you had EMOTIONAL DAMAGE yesterday...
Don't worry nextime we will brake the 5 ppl squad just to make you feel like you are playing Roblox. ;)
I sometimes wonder if it's nice to be this retarded... Is it peaceful up there with the lack of thought?

Ironically, the only people playing "Roblox", were the guys stacking on a dead server vs people who barely know how to shoot back.

Here's a tip: You'll get infinitely more respect from people if you just straight up admit to what you're doing lmao. I'm a vehicle whore and have no problems admitting it. You're a team stacker, so own up to it lol.
I sometimes wonder if it's nice to be this retarded... Is it peaceful up there with the lack of thought?

Ironically, the only people playing "Roblox", were the guys stacking on a dead server vs people who barely know how to shoot back.

Here's a tip: You'll get infinitely more respect from people if you just straight up admit to what you're doing lmao. I'm a vehicle whore and have no problems admitting it. You're a team stacker, so own up to it lol.
You cant seriously call me retard and then type this shit. Is like... people are gonna read this... you know?
Here's what I am doing: Triggering some woke kid online out of boredom.
I actually like PrZZZ. I've played with the guy many times, more than this LaxGAYFAGWOKEstappen nobody-knows, and I can say PrZZ is a solid tank player, cautious, good strategist... I've also played with Killa and Serlose and its a bliss to drive around with them kicking ass. I do however have seen many times Przz, Howie, etc.. switching sides after 500 tickets, "stacking" the wining team, this is a well known fact. (and I get it, it sucks to be in a team full of morons when you are playing alone) But I have never seen Toasty, Killa or Serlose switching sides to the wining team, not once, not on bz1, not when losing. Why? because they are already playing together; Serlose, Killa and Toasty like to play together the same as BSS, LIXO, KOSH & FISHY etc... like to paly together, it has nothing to do with stacking. That's why in a very stupid and contradictory way this LaxFAGWOKENOSYstappen was able to take a screenshot of Toasty, Serlose and Killa losing a match, (they have privilege commands they can switch anytime).
Also Serlose has no discord, the discord is Toasty's so he cannot invite nobody to the discord Przz, and Toast is reserved that way, so that is also incorrect.
Gotta disagree Przz... (sorry bud but you are not correct).
The retard that wrote a full length novel defending his playstyle is the one triggering me. Right.

You, Ser, and Killa don't even realize when you're getting baited, and that's hilarious. Go on, tell me more about how "woke" I am and how you definitely aren't team stacking. Maybe you'll convince me this time.

You're a joke.
Everyone knows BZ 1.5 dies after midnight, it’s nothing new, and it’s not because you think we stack. It’s been this way since I started playing the game. Playing with friends who always have your back as a squad makes it more enjoyable. Sure, you can’t fix a noob team, but you can always try your best to win.

As for Serlo, he has more hours in BZ1 than BZ1.5. And just because we’re 140 doesn’t mean we stack. I think after all this time playing this game we are all level 140.

How many times have we been with players who’d rather camp on rooftops than actually cap ? Or repair ... or get out of the gunner seat after we got hit one time .. every fkg time

Some 140 players aren’t “team players” and prefer to play solo and farm kills, but when a good 140 player focuses on the objective, they’re called a stacker?

What’s wrong with using Discord to chat with friends? Every clan does it, so it’s nothing unusual. When you play a game this often, it’s natural to make friends and want to chat with them while playing. It’s about enjoying the game together …
The retard that wrote a full length novel defending his playstyle is the one triggering me. Right.

You, Ser, and Killa don't even realize when you're getting baited, and that's hilarious. Go on, tell me more about how "woke" I am and how you definitely aren't team stacking. Maybe you'll convince me this time.

You're a joke.
LOL you cant seriously be this STUPID.
1- You talk about getting bait and you clearly took the bait I left for you on the very message you posted.
2- Your argument is that I typed to much, but you have waaay too many (moronic) comments + 4 pics on this thread.
3- You call me a joke but you still think this is a conversation and not me trolling you. LOL
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LOL you cant seriously be this STUPID. No joke you really do have only 2 brain cells
1- You talk about getting bait and you clearly took the bait I left for you on the very message you posted.
2- Your argument is that I typed to much, but you have waaay too many (moronic) comments + 4 pics on this thread.
3- You call me a joke but you still think this is a conversation and not me trolling you. LOL
You just can't help yourself, can you?

You're just going to reply again with some more autistic dribble and prove my point lmao.
Just realized you replied to PrZZZ and not me. My two brain cells are on strike today.

Regardless, I'll stand with him on this and the point still stands. Especially if you stack the teams like Ser does.
LMAO This... this right here, says a LOT.
Kid, Nobody has bother to reply to you in this thread but me. ;) Not even Serlose who you despite. LMAO
Why do you think that is...? LOL give you a clue: trig_er the woke

- your turn -
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LMAO This... this right here, says a LOT.
Kid, Nobody has bother to reply to you in this thread but me. ;) Not even Serlose who you despite. LMAO
Why do you think that is...? LOL give you a clue: trig_er the woke

- your turn -
Almost exactly on cue.

No one replied to me? Ser did, Killa did, and you did. But just like Killa, your reading comprehension needs work. Instead of sitting in a discord call stacking 1.5, maybe you should all try a Duolingo English course together? I heard they have a group discount.

More autistic dribble incoming.

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Almost exactly on cue.

Just like Killa, your reading comprehension needs work.
Awww.... :( You'r no fun... I thought you were the mastermind behind a big baiting plot right from the start!
Your two brain cells must be in overload... don't worry I'll let you "think" of something new... lol
Almost exactly on cue.

No one replied to me? Ser did, Killa did, and you did. But just like Killa, your reading comprehension needs work. Instead of sitting in a discord call stacking 1.5, maybe you should all try a Duolingo English course together? I heard they have a group discount.

More autistic dribble incoming.
LMAO and then you go ahead and edit your comment... awww you do care then! :D
Its like you are trying really hard! good for ya! I understand it takes time to come up with something having two brain cells...
Awww.... :( You'r no fun... I thought you were the mastermind behind a big baiting plot right from the start!
Your two brain cells must be in overload... don't worry I'll let you "think" of something new... lol
Everytime you reply you just prove my point further. It's hilarious how you don't see that. You've already proved it twice on this page alone.

You can't help yourself.

Everytime you reply you just prove my point further. It's hilarious how you don't see that. You've already proved it twice on this page alone.

You can't help yourself.
Awwww .. so here comes the fish again cuz your on render...
I like you more when you try real hard :D
here fishy fishy fishy here fishy ...
Awwww .. so here comes the fish again cuz your on render...
I like you more when you try real hard :D
here fishy fishy fishy here fishy ...
Genuinely never seen someone get baited this hard. You've dethroned Silent_Killa lmao. At least Ser knew when to stop lol.

Age 37 rofl. You can't make this stuff up. Go spend time with your kids or something instead of getting baited online.

Genuinely never seen someone get baited this hard. You've dethroned Silent_Killa lmao. At least Ser knew when to stop lol.

Age 37 rofl. You can't make this stuff up.
FISHY!!! there you are :D
I'm glad you believe everything you read online! attaboy!, Ya I'm also a living pair of nuts that used to belong to Rambo! FR
It's hilarious how you really think you are not the passive in this gay relationship you and I have...
I have an idea! let me post the same fish here again so the thread gets so full of fishes that they have to close it!
Cuz aparently that's all you can come up with anymore.... :(
Here we go:
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