This is the best entertainment I've had in a while. Why actually play the game when you can bait retards on the forums lmao. You've mentally regressed to the point where a fish picture triggers you lmao.FISHY!!! there you are
I'm glad you believe everything you read online! attaboy!, Ya I'm also a living pair of nuts that used to belong to Rambo! FR
It's hilarious how you really think you are not the passive in this gay relationship you and I have...
I have an idea! let me post the same fish here again so the thread gets so full of fishes that they have to close it!
Cuz aparently that's all you can come up with anymore....
Here we go:
View attachment 13929
How does the saying go again? If you can't beat them... Join them? They also say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so uhhh... Thanks?