Usually we do, although our BF1 servers were slow to start due to lower interest than BF4 but maybe BF5 will be different? EA sucks tbh.
I'm a "no" for right now. I might change my mind depending on how it plays out, but I was sorely disappointed with BF1.

I'm a Battlefield FanBoy though. I've been playing since the beginning, with the exception of Hard Line. That's the only one they didn't rob me on!
Hell yes some of us will play bf v. If ea makes those crappy server setingss, we might not get all worked up though. Ea really pisses me off lately. I'm a battlefield fan so I will try it out for sure, and be awesome as usual, but I hate the tiny maps bf has morfed into over the years. I'm more worked up over fallout 76 truth be told.
I doubt my rig can run it but if I can ever afford an upgrade then i'll probably play it... but then again I really like WWII so even if the game isn't great I will still try it out
I am not a hard critic. I enjoyed it. Looks great, it is WW2 so we still have old weapons, but I think it is fun. Of course being an Alpha there are some bugs but that is what it is about, find them and report them.

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Im pretty impressed with it honestly. It runs very well. I do not like the bleeding out feature though. It slows down progression. I do like the limited ammo for snipers
I thought it played well. The bleeding out is about the same time as respawning in BF4 just annoying that you are stuck in the bleed out mode.
I guess the bleeding out mode would give the medics more of a chance to revive more people because there was no way to opt out.

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I'm thinking about holding out until BF X. By then I should have a Cray Type processor and hologram projector. Screw gaming headsets. I'm sure by then everyone in the US will be speaking Russian, and the weapons in the game will be the only guns we can own. Virtual ones. The Ruski's, Chinese, North Korea and the EU will make sure of that. ---------- Sorry about that everyone. Antonwearsakilt hacked my account. :)
just received an email from EA... Part of the BF V Closed Alpha phase 2

Guess I'll have to download it and give it a try...