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BF4 Server Rules (2020)

100%. revokable perk of membership is entirely fair

i am simply clarifying that it is not a donation no matter how many words, policies or rules are written. there is a tangible exchange of value with an expectation of behavior for both parties for a defined duration of time. there is even automation to deliver perks immediately after membership starts.

a donation can only be an irrevocable, voluntary transfer of property without exchange of value

anyway. autism off, cheers
Hello, good afternoon, I was banned by Mining Uncap, I am unaware of this failure, I would like to know what the rules are to avoid it... Thank you
Hey uh, just to be clear, given rule 2.

On Locker E mountain. If they're on the portion of E mountain that extends into the RU uncap and fire down into the uncap before people can react... Would that violate the rule?

Honestly that portion of E mountain that extends into the uncap (Glitch on DICE's part) should be a kickable/bannable offense, no?

And on that note, how do the admins feel about camping that tiny little portion of the snow uncap on the E flag side? That people like to camp with suppressed or LMG's and wax anyone that comes up the snow uncap?
Locker E mountain is not kickable / bannable unless they go a mile high or violate rule 2. It's more important on how they get up, we also do not tolerate being inside the mountain.

For the last question, if you look at your map, you'll see a greyed out area for where their uncap is, if you engage a player before they cross over, that would be a violation unless they had previously shot or used equipment.

When the enemy is all capped, we allow players to engage their uncap.
Battlefield 4 Server Rules

These rules apply to all of our BF4 servers as of April 2020. There are significant changes from our rules in the past in that there are far fewer rules, and for the most part it's everything goes outside of what's listed here.

Our admins operate on a point system. When you are found violating a rule, you'll be given a punish point by an admin. The first point will be a warning. After that you'll have varying levels of punishment from a kill, kick, and eventual ban if you're a constant problem.

All admin actions are logged, and many are also recorded by the punishing admin. Do not expect to get a different answer about a situation from a different admin. If you have a problem with an action taken by an admin you're welcome to post here in our forums as all admins can review each other's actions. We are not perfect and mistakes do happen.

Hacking/cheating will result in an instant permanent ban regardless of previous infractions or the lack thereof. We have a zero-tolerance policy against hacking and all accounts linked to an account determined to have been hacking. We use multiple methods to confirm hacking and do not ban based on suspicion alone.


No team killing, period, end of story.
Griefing: Purposefully shooting or otherwise sabotaging your teammates in an online game.
Griefing includes stealing of friendly vehicles while they are repairing (for example).
Forcing a TK is griefing.

Don't attack the enemy's uncappable base (main base). If they fire out you can return fire.

3: No Racism
Don't be a racist and don't try to bypass the automatic filters.

4: No Politics In Game Chat
We're here to have fun and escape the real world so take your political talk elsewhere.

In general, don't be a trouble maker in the server.

The above rules what will usually be cited in punishes/kicks/bans but other reasons may be used if you're an exceptionally problematic player disrupting gameplay.

Notable items:
  • Stealing vehicles from the enemy uncap is allowed, however you're not allowed to defend yourself while in their uncap.
  • Sniping from uncap is allowed, but very stupid and you're definitely not helping your team.
  • If you fire from uncap, you're fair game for the enemy to return fire.
Damn, so there's a point system in place and the only thing that results in an automatic ban is if you're hacking or cheating? Damn. I was literally permabanned because an admin merely accused me, without warning, of being racist or something. I never even got a first strike, I was just kicked outta the ball game. The admins themselves seem to not follow their own guidelines then ban people based on supposedly not following the guidelines, smh
We don't tolerate racism. Players who attempt to disrupt or trash our servers are not welcome.
I know it might be difficult for you but please read the rules in their entirety. You might be surprised at what you find.

If you don't wish to, no hard feelings. We have no need for simpletons here either.
We don't tolerate racism. Players who attempt to disrupt or trash our servers are not welcome.
I know it might be difficult for you but please read the rules in their entirety. You might be surprised at what you find.

If you don't wish to, no hard feelings. We have no need for simpletons here either.
Okay, I understand that now, and I've read the rules in their entirety. I just feel that it would be fair for me to be given a second chance to play on the servers because I was never warned in an official manner, as the rules outline. I'll accept a first strike with no contest, but all I want is the permban lifted so that I can have another chance to play on the servers. no gimmicks and no trolling or BS this time, I promise. If I do, then God as my witness you guys can ban me for good and I won't complain about it.
Anyways, I'm sorry BigBadBagOfSwag and to all the other admins and members who I may have annoyed with my high-power level trolling. I had some good times on your servers, a lot of laughs and good games. It's a shame too, because I just got my good internet today, would have been cool to see what 15-ping on the server would look like. I used to be pretty good in my Ps4 days. Though, I did make a handful of friends on your servers, so it's not a total loss, I will take the good with the bad, and make my lemonade. :D
1000001107.jpgHi I recently started playing again and I get kicked by punkbuster saying that the PB server requires (A1390 C2.351) - Error loading pbag what is this and how do I make it so I can play locker? As shown in image ty.
I was surprised to see that there are new rules about certain '!' commands such as "!deport" and "!check". Some folks even got banned for using them.

Can anyone help me understand this interpretation of the rules? Preference to any responses that first question my intelligence and then slowly, for my benefit, explain why I should have known this was a punishable offense in the first place.

Just don't bully me cause I'll cum.
I was surprised to see that there are new rules about certain '!' commands such as "!deport" and "!check". Some folks even got banned for using them.

Can anyone help me understand this interpretation of the rules? Preference to any responses that first question my intelligence and then slowly, for my benefit, explain why I should have known this was a punishable offense in the first place.

Just don't bully me cause I'll cum.
I seen people use !deport jokingly and I didn't even think it was a issue. Its basically harmless unless I am missing something? Just makes me wonder what kind of person you are if you feel the need to attack someone for making that joke. It can apply to any country.

edit: I didnt mean you shank lol my bad if it seemed like that

edit 2: and I respect any admins and rules, not trying to defend the joke necessarily just the person.
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