BF4 Server_HC_24/7 Operation Locker - Changelog & Feedback


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
This is where you can find the current settings for the server and where you can leave feedback on what you like, don't like, or would like to see. We will keep this first post updated with current settings.

Current MaplistOperation Locker_64 Conquest
Server SettingsPlayer limit: 64

Spectator limit: 4

Use commanders? Yes

Password the server? No

Preset map cycle: Custom

Round time limit: Standard (about 30 minutes)

Tickets given: 150% = 1,200 tickets

Vehicle respawn delay: 100% = standard

Respawn delay: 100%

Soldier health: 60% = harcore

Player man down time: 100% = ranked

Bullet damage: 100% = ranked

Idle timeout: 375 seconds

Idle timeout round ban: 0

Round start player count: 2

Preround start player count: 0

Preround duration (s): 20 seconds

Allow vehicles? yes

Enable friendly fire? yesl

Number of teamkills before being kicked? 8

Use the kill-value system to punish TKs? Yes

Kill-value that triggers a kick? 4.1

Kill-value increase for each TK? 1

Kill-value decrease per second? 0.05

Enable 3D spotting? No

Show nametags? Yes

Show hud? No

Show minimap? No

Allow minimap spotting? Yes = ranked

Use killcam? No

Use hit indicators? No

Auto-balance teams? Yes = ranked

3rd person cameras? No

Regenerate health? No

Whole-mag reload? Yes (don’t really know what this is)

Spawn on squad leader? No = spawn on any squad member

Aggressive join? No = no premium advantage

Allow all spectators? Yes
This server is in Dallas, Texas. It filled up to 64/64 within 30 minutes of taking the server live.

We will post current server settings in the first post, and give changelog info and welcome feedback in the posts below.
CR8Z said:
Removed the auto ban feature today. Too many TKs.
sure, you post this as i get done spending 20 minutes writing a feed back about the tk's lol....

well i wont let my work go un published so here it is anyways lol..

one issue i have right now which i have a thread up about is the the team kill thing.. if you spend 6-8 hours playing on the same server, especially on hardcore, is that you get banned way to easy. with 32 team members, and people constantly running in front of eachother, people get tk'd constantly cuz they run in front of you while you're sniping, throwing a grenade/etc. Its never usually the person who team killed's fault, its the person who ran in the line of fires fault really lol.hell, one grenade can bounce off a wall wrong when tossing through the doors in Locker and within the first 3minutes of the game you get kicked. Some door frames and walls are made of rubber it seems / it glitches a lot.

when being dedicated to the server as i am, in a 8 hour session of smashing face in hc op locker, 8 tk's/ban is very easy to obtain which is what happened to me last night. And now, still, 16 hours later, i still cant get on the server even though the ban list has been cleared/etc.

id suggest changing the the tk's-till-kick to like 15 / kicks till ban to 5 because if someone is team killing on purpose they will rack that up with one grenade to the middle of the group when they are piled on the corners of the doors to the central circular room / objective C in the locker map where the team member density is at its highest.

3 team kills till kick is a bit low. ive had it in a map where im about to toss a grenade, and i get sniped and i dropped the grenade as a result of dieing mid throw and killing 2-3 team members and getting kicked for it.. even the best players have stuff like that happen all the time, its a part of the game. and being penalized for legit mistakes / or wrong place -wrong time time things is a bit severe when its only 3 tk kick/8tks ban.

if it was a small 16 player team death match / non hardcore, i could see how 3 tk's /8tks warrants a ban but on a large 32 player team hardcore match ( where you have 40% less health to start with) its a bit of a steep penalty. because everything can nearly one shot you.

one other note i want to add is that we all know there is sever lag occasionally, and ive also had it where i pop around a corner that my team is piled on and go to throw a grenade and it doesnt throw one right away/ there can be a 2 second delay and you think you are out of grenades so naturally you pop back behind the wall so you dont get line-of-sighted by the oppositions snipers and then it decides to throw the grenade against the wall that yur team is stacked on, and well, yeah. you get the picture.

lastly, we all have noticed that the team mate markers over peoples heads dont show up right away and you kill them thinking its an enemy and its not. or vice versa where you dont see the team mate marker, but knowing it doesnt show up right away you wait to see if it does and it IS an enemy and they kill you.. most people including myself, would rather risk the team kill then getting killed by the other person.

with 32 players on a team, and with everything i just mentioned, hopefully you can see how, almost absurd, 3 tk's till kick / 8 tk's till ban is on a hardcore large conquest match.

thanks for reading my wall of text and hopefully the admins will take this into consideration.

i took time to write this cuz i like the server and dont plan on playing on any other server once by ban gets lifted.
BF4 version R7Nov 06 2013 12:21:58 AM PT BF4 server version R7 (88472) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

This version is said to fix admin.say, improve vars.preset, fix a problem with player GUIDs not showing, and fix some server crashing.
BF4 version R7Nov 06 2013 12:21:58 AM PT BF4 server version R7 (88472) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

This version is said to fix admin.say, improve vars.preset, fix a problem with player GUIDs not showing, and fix some server crashing.
(D)DoS attack against your serviceNov 10 2013 12:50:50 AM PT Our system detected a (D)DoS against your service at this time, described as 'a UDP-based DRDoS through DNS servers', and added a filter to our router to block it for about 3 weeks.

Depending on the size and characteristics of the attack, and the nature of your software, you may or may not have seen effects from the attack before it was filtered.

Most attacks are spoofed (use random fake IPs). This means that it is not possible to examine the traffic and determine the attacker. We will likely not be able to provide further information on this attack.

Results of server repair

Nov 09 2013 02:46:12 AM PT Our repair script ran on your server and gave the following output:

Processing banzorebravo:

Refreshing hardlinks.

Refreshed PunkBuster files.


Automatic remote repair

Nov 09 2013 02:46:01 AM PT The server was found to be down for three successive polling periods, and so our generic repair script is being automatically run on it. The results of this repair will be posted into the Event log as well. If the repair fails and the server is still offline after it finishes, your server will be stopped, to prevent it from continuing to crash until you have a chance to examine it.

Automatic remote restart

Nov 09 2013 02:41:01 AM PT Your server was found to be offline by our systems for two successive polling periods (which means it was down for between 5 and 10 minutes). Our systems attempted to automatically restart the server as a result.

If you intentionally had the server down, this error is nothing to be concerned about. Otherwise, you should examine your server's plugins and custom maps as possible causes for the server freezing behavior. Very rarely is a problem like this not due to buggy plugins or problematic custom maps.

You can also sometimes find clues on why the server froze by looking at the log files. If you have a Half-life server, you might consider running a program such as HLSW in the background on your client machine and examining its logging output after this happens the next time.
BF4 version R8

Nov 12 2013 02:06:00 AM PT

BF4 server version R8 (89702) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

This new version does not appear to be designed to directly address crashing or performance issues, which are the most common complaints that we hear about BF4 right now.
BF4 version R10

Nov 14 2013 04:50:42 AM PT BF4 server version R10 (90519) has been sent to us and DICE has asked us to deploy it immediately, so we're in the process of applying it to all servers now.

BF4 version R9

Nov 14 2013 01:55:51 AM PT BF4 server version R9 (90165) has been sent to us and will be rolled out to all servers slightly after 2am PST/4am CST/5am EST/10am UTC, concurrent with a Blaze/Battlelog maintenance event. At that time, you will see your server go offline briefly. You will be able to reconnect after EA's maintenance has been completed.
added server kill messages, lets people know who is on a kill streak, congratz them on stupid shit like that shows knife, defib, roadkill, and repair took kills, first blood...all that jaz
BF4 version R11

Nov 21 2013 12:17:24 AM PT BF4 server version R11 (91697) has been sent to us and DICE has asked us to deploy it immediately. We're in the process of packaging it up and will be sending it to all servers within approximately 30 minutes.

The easily-determinable public portions of the changelog (which is all we can provide at this time):

- Admins can no longer kick players on Official servers using PunkBuster

- The tickets can be set to up to 400 on Ranked servers (up from 200) and 500 on unranked servers

- The idle timeout can be set up to 86400 (24 hours) on Ranked and Unranked servers
(D)DoS attack against your service

Nov 21 2013 09:48:17 AM PT Our system detected a (D)DoS against your service at this time, described as 'a specific type of TCP SYN flood/3', and added a filter to our router to block it for about 2 weeks.

Depending on the size and characteristics of the attack, and the nature of your software, you may or may not have seen effects from the attack before it was filtered.

Most attacks are spoofed (use random fake IPs). This means that it is not possible to examine the traffic and determine the attacker. We will likely not be able to provide further information on this attack.