BF4 Server_HC_Most Maps-Changelog and Feedback


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
This is where you can find the current settings for the server and where you can leave feedback on what you like, don't like, or would like to see. We will keep this first post updated with current settings.

Current MaplistDawnbreaker_64 Conquest

Flood Zone_64 Conquest

Hainan Resort_64 Conquest

Operation Locker_64 Conquest

Golmud Railway_64 Conquest

Flood Zone_64 Conquest

Rogue Transmission_64 Conquest

Zavod 311_64 Conquest

Lancang Dam
Server SettingsPlayer limit: 64

Spectator limit: 4

Use commanders? Yes

Password the server? No

Preset map cycle: Custom

Round time limit: Standard (about 30 minutes)

Tickets given: 125% = 1,000 tickets

Vehicle respawn delay: 100% = standard

Respawn delay: 100%

Soldier health: 60% = harcore

Player man down time: 100% = ranked

Bullet damage: 100% = ranked

Idle timeout: 375 seconds

Idle timeout round ban: 0

Round start player count: 2

Preround start player count: 0

Preround duration (s): 20 seconds

Allow vehicles? yes

Enable friendly fire? yesl

Number of teamkills before being kicked? 7

Use the kill-value system to punish TKs? Yes

Kill-value that triggers a kick? 4.1

Kill-value increase for each TK? 1

Kill-value decrease per second? 0.05

Enable 3D spotting? No

Show nametags? Yes

Show hud? No

Show minimap? No

Allow minimap spotting? Yes = ranked

Use killcam? No

Use hit indicators? No

Auto-balance teams? Yes = ranked

3rd person cameras? No

Regenerate health? No

Whole-mag reload? Yes (don’t really know what this is)

Spawn on squad leader? No = spawn on any squad member

Aggressive join? No = no premium advantage

Allow all spectators? Yes
We have currently removed Shanghai and Lancang Dam due to extra server instability problems associated with these maps. We'll get them back into the rotation ASAP.
BF4 version R4Nov 01 2013 03:52:44 PM PT BF4 server version R4 (87884) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

We haven't been told yet whether we can release a changelog, but we know that this build is supposed to address one or more crash bugs.
there was an update for making it show up in hardcore, i tried to do it but server would not go to idea
the setting is now on only you can spawn on squad leader, this appears to be a defualt hardcore setting nothing that was changed on our end.
Spawn on Squad lead only is a hard core setting. Spawn on any squad member is custom.

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BF4 crashes and Normal/Hardcore settingNov 02 2013 12:10:58 AM PT The two biggest concerns that we have been hearing about BF4 relate to two issues:

* Crashes. All servers crash frequently, but some more than others, because of a variety of factors (server size, level being run, and in-game events all likely play a role). However, it's important to note that all the crashes that we've seen so far have been due to bugs in the game itself, and every RSP is seeing similar behavior. We have not seen any crashes yet that are related to our hardware, and we haven't even seen Blaze-related problems (surprisingly); every crash so far has logged messages relating to a bug, and created a crash dump. DICE is receiving all of our dumps and logs and we are sure that they are investigating these crashes; we're certainly reminding them constantly!

* Normal/Hardcore modes. Servers seem to have a tough time staying in the right mode right now. When the correct settings are chosen for Hardcore, for instance, the server isn't actually set to Hardcore; and when settings are changed in the Startup.txt file, the server sometimes ignores any vars.preset line also in that file. In response to this, we have created two new options on the "Easy setup" page to enforce Normal/Hardcore mode by automatically submitting the vars.preset command after each map load. To use one of these, you must enable the admin daemon (which is harmless, as it won't respond in-game unless you also define admins, and won't do other things unless you tell it to).

We'll continue to work diligently to stay on top of all the BF4 bugs and quirks, communicating them to customers and updating the "Easy setup" page to reflect them.
Other than the server crashes, The server is running great and I think a lot of players are really enjoying playing on our server. I have noticed a lot of regulars joining the server constantly and even rejoining right after server crashes (unless it's 3am). I want to personally thank everyone involved from the Admins all the way down to the bZ members just jumping in to get the server going.
Should we keep a crash log?

So we can actually see how much and when the server crashes?
BF4 version R5Nov 03 2013 09:20:28 AM PT BF4 server version R5 (88031) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

RSPs have not been authorized yet to release a changelog for R5, but it is a minor patch.
BF4 version R5

Nov 03 2013 09:20:28 AM PT BF4 server version R5 (88031) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.

RSPs have not been authorized yet to release a changelog for R5, but it is a minor patch.

does not fix crash issue, so far has made it worse
BF4 version R6Nov 03 2013 12:52:46 PM PT BF4 server version R6 (88058) has been released and DICE told us to deploy it immediately, so we are applying it to your server now.