This is where you can find the current settings for the server and where you can leave feedback on what you like, don't like, or would like to see. We will keep this first post updated with current settings.
Current MaplistDawnbreaker_64 Conquest
Flood Zone_64 Conquest
Hainan Resort_64 Conquest
Operation Locker_64 Conquest
Golmud Railway_64 Conquest
Flood Zone_64 Conquest
Rogue Transmission_64 Conquest
Zavod 311_64 Conquest
Lancang Dam
Server SettingsPlayer limit: 64
Spectator limit: 4
Use commanders? Yes
Password the server? No
Preset map cycle: Custom
Round time limit: Standard (about 30 minutes)
Tickets given: 125% = 1,000 tickets
Vehicle respawn delay: 100% = standard
Respawn delay: 100%
Soldier health: 60% = harcore
Player man down time: 100% = ranked
Bullet damage: 100% = ranked
Idle timeout: 375 seconds
Idle timeout round ban: 0
Round start player count: 2
Preround start player count: 0
Preround duration (s): 20 seconds
Allow vehicles? yes
Enable friendly fire? yesl
Number of teamkills before being kicked? 7
Use the kill-value system to punish TKs? Yes
Kill-value that triggers a kick? 4.1
Kill-value increase for each TK? 1
Kill-value decrease per second? 0.05
Enable 3D spotting? No
Show nametags? Yes
Show hud? No
Show minimap? No
Allow minimap spotting? Yes = ranked
Use killcam? No
Use hit indicators? No
Auto-balance teams? Yes = ranked
3rd person cameras? No
Regenerate health? No
Whole-mag reload? Yes (don’t really know what this is)
Spawn on squad leader? No = spawn on any squad member
Aggressive join? No = no premium advantage
Allow all spectators? Yes