Seriously what is this thread. Did reason take a vacation?
- Game developers are not perfect. Glitches, exploits, and bad design are inherent in every game.
- Community-run servers are allowed to have rules to offset imperfect design or to cater to preference.
- Rules set by a community may be arbitrary vs. well-defined, consistent or not.
- You have not agreed to any binding contract and people who run servers are not lawyers or systems analysts. If someone came to your house with a white glove they'd find dust somewhere. That doesn't mean you don't clean. Doesn't mean your house is suitable for an open-heart surgery or chipset fabrication.
- No one is going to take time to precisely document every scenario, map, etc.
- This includes the people asking for clarification. Where are your mock-ups for admin review based on forum posts and past examples? Why aren't you being a considerate peer of other people who need clarifications? Make an unofficial rule thread, un-sarcastically.
- Gray areas will exist. If you're uncomfortable with that, avoid the gray area and play differently. Or test gray areas and get banned (or not), appeal, and don't do it again.
- Example: I fly the transport heli and idiots jump out and into the transport heli, accidentally forcing me to receive a TK. Instead of raging against the system and getting kicked for too many TKs, I stop flying the transport heli and do something else.
- Playing and speaking are two different privileges. Don't ban people for not breaking game-play rules; you can mute them if they're annoying/toxic.