Copperpin's report

Offended Leftists with shitty comebacks spotted

Look up and watch the hearings over book bans concerning the degenerate books LGBTQ is pushing on k-8 students… Read some of the explicit material within these books that are being pushed as required reading for kids and teens. It’s absolutely disgusting…

Look up the LGBTQ sex Ed camps for minors. They gay mafia hijacked my favorite bbq place and decided to have one similar to the ones in several other states. we protested it back in Indiana around 2021.

Look up the woke lgbtq friendly school policies that allow teachers to go behind the backs of parents and basically groom kids into questioning their gender. These kids can’t even decide what their favorite cereal is.

Look up the hearings from congress on parental rights and hear from the students themselves how they were abused into transitioning by pro LGBTQ teachers

It is abundantly clear which group is the common problem here. The stats don’t lie, the evidence doesn’t lie, and boy there is a mountain of both and it all points to the gay mafia with their CGT being the problem.

This was the camp
Is that really what that paper is about? It seems like it's just examining the terminology. It's a shitty paper anyway though since it's conflating pedophilia and hebephilia when they are two separate things. Both fall under the umbrella of "child abuse" but from a pathology standpoint they are different : pedophilia being a preferential attraction to pre-pubescent children and hebephilia being one towards pubescent ones. For lay-people the distinction is irrelevant but for psychologists it's an important one. Maybe I am misinterpreting it but it looks to me like it's just trying to determine what the attitudes towards these names are and not trying to change the attitudes themselves.
Bold of you to assume they read a single word of any of the research paper they, or I, sent.
Bold of you to assume they read a single word of any of the research paper they, or I, sent.
Some of the research you posted wouldn’t let me access the full articles. However! I would recommend reading through the limitations of self administered / self reporting methods when you get the chance.

All of your articles I have access too - do put a note on the limitations at the end of the findings.

For example:


This person surveyed kids on Instagram. One might assume using Instagram is flawed. How did the surveyers actually confirm the accurate ages of all 14 to 16 year olds? Did they just arbitrarily read their comments exposing the 12/13 year olds of Instagram etc - how did the Ybarra come up with the 4k kids to be surveyed?

What I’m getting at is - If I go to Iowa and ask people to fulfill a self administered / self reported survey about Republicans or Democrats, I’m going to get a lot answers on being a Republican.

Does this make sense? Kudos to you for actually posting surveys but be weary with the articles themselves.
Yeah I owe big bag of dicks an apology, he may be dick but I don’t think he’s hateful. Sorry man you were a hardass on me and I took it personally, I didn’t realize that you were just a hardass. Also sometimes it’s important to remember that being gay and being a faggot are two completely different things
South Park Season 13 Episode 12
Imagine claiming that being attracted to any other gender is a problem lmao
This problem started when god was created, sodomy was bad and everyone who practice that is a devil lover, following this:
  1. Jews don‘ believe in heaven and hell.
  2. Jesus was jewish.
  3. After Jesus death the church started to talk about heaven and hell.
  4. In every region by then they had a different perspective of what heaven and hell is (different monsters, demons, for example Ba’al a Cananian demon way before Jews)
  5. Dante Alighieri, 1302-1319, The Divine Comedy, tells the history of a man passing through the seven circles of hell showing how you will be suffer into the eternity.
  6. Black Death, 1346-1352, 30-50% of Europe population died.
  7. Believers population went down because they couldn’t believe that their god let them died.
  8. By the 13 century The Divine Comedy were spoken in every corner of the most important cities of Italy, Fiorenze, Venizia, the old metropolises.
If anything started as a lie will be a lie forever, depends of us if we believe that or not, if you do thats on you…
I say not wanting to get-it-on with an attractive woman because she USED to be a man would be like not wanting to bone Selma Hayek because she USED to be a baby...

I don't care about your past Selma just give me a shout when you can please baby thx.
I say not wanting to get-it-on with an attractive woman because she USED to be a man would be like not wanting to bone Selma Hayek because she USED to be a baby...

I don't care about your past Selma just give me a shout when you can please baby thx.
blasty even if the body is now female, the soul is still and will forever be male. I also think there’s a bit of difference between growing up and having a sex change lmao