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Flying Hovercrafts

just 6 minutes of keeping a trapped LAV alive. This is some dedicated teamwork!
I started recording after all the shit went down though. prior to tuas myself under constantly repairing and people were spawning on him and repairing him for 5-10 seconds and dying. it was an awesome bunker though, didnt get damaged at all.
I actually got banned last week for flying the hovercraft as well. Been playing BZ6 for 5 years with over 2,000 hours and no prior issues with admins.

Didn't matter, they banned me regardless. Unfortunately all the BF4 friends I've made over the years play BZ6 so now I don't know what to do.
They still talk about you and what you unbanned. I was lucky that the admins unbanned me from it because I had also made the mistake of seeing someone do it and try it with out knowing they hate it so much. The players in bz6 still hope you get unbanned
The difference is the two that were unbanned weren't using it for a tactical advantage. It's still not allowed regardless so that's not a free pass to do it but encouraging your team to use it as an infinite beacon is where we no longer sympathize.
Temp wasn't using it for a tactical advantage either. He was using it because it was funny. It's an ancient game with no ranking system (aside from score trackers which hovercrafts are very slow at) in a server where nobody gives a shit about win/loss. I have still yet to see a single person in Bz6 who actually thinks Temp's permaban was justified.


-bZ- Member
Temp wasn't using it for a tactical advantage either.
But was he really not using it for a tactical advantage? You sure he wasn't promoting it to his team for the sake of having an advantage?

But was he really not using it for a tactical advantage? You sure he wasn't promoting it to his team for the sake of having an advantage?

Nothing in what you linked suggests otherwise. I rarely chose to spawn there because of how long it took to land and he never tried to hide it to the enemy team either.
We also don't take kindly to liars.
That's the only valid reason to be uptight about it really. I have no idea why he would deny it, everybody in the server knew he was an astronaut, people would vote for the hovercraft maps specifically because they wanted him to do it.


Truthfully at this point it's not up for discussion anymore. The images in Swag's post that Cold mentioned above clearly show intent to use it as a moon base by encouraging players to spawn on it and subsequently jump down. That is what we define as a harmful glitch and one against our rules. I know you want your friend to be unbanned but they did it multiple times, with the intent of allowing their team to spawn on it, proven by their public chat logs. There's nothing more to say and nothing will change the outcome.
Truthfully at this point it's not up for discussion anymore. The images in Swag's post that Cold mentioned above clearly show intent to use it as a moon base by encouraging players to spawn on it and subsequently jump down. That is what we define as a harmful glitch and one against our rules. I know you want your friend to be unbanned but they did it multiple times, with the intent of allowing their team to spawn on it, proven by their public chat logs. There's nothing more to say and nothing will change the outcome.
I don't know anyone in the server personally, save for a couple guys I've brought to the server. I don't really have any personal bias towards specific people, aside from those I believe make the server and community a better place to be, which Temp fell into for many. As I've stated before, I don't believe the moon base gives a real advantage, if it does it's a small one, and even then I really do not care in the slightest. Also as I've stated, whether you decide to have the sticks removed from your anuses or not, I am a chronic bitcher and will continue to complain as long as I keep getting notifications from this thread.
I don't know anyone in the server personally, save for a couple guys I've brought to the server. I don't really have any personal bias towards specific people, aside from those I believe make the server and community a better place to be, which Temp fell into for many. As I've stated before, I don't believe the moon base gives a real advantage, if it does it's a small one, and even then I really do not care in the slightest. Also as I've stated, whether you decide to have the sticks removed from your anuses or not, I am a chronic bitcher and will continue to complain as long as I keep getting notifications from this thread.
The plural form of anus is ani
Woke Athena was lucky enough to be unbanned by Panda on Sunday for flying the hovercraft.
This is fantastic news because the admins are reconsidering the zero warning ban rule.
Woke Athena was lucky enough to be unbanned by Panda on Sunday for flying the hovercraft.
This is fantastic news because the admins are reconsidering the zero warning ban rule.
You won’t ever be unbanned retard.


-bZ- Member
Okay, not that I would try it here but I have to ask:

So you fly the hovercraft up to an absurd altitude...now can you get it to come back down again?