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God-King Neo Jinping's Balance

Penalize teams for being good. That's what kinda server you run. Sorry for wanting to play with friends, its a battlefield thing, you wouldn't understand. Squadplay is what seperates winning from losing teams. Communication and Coordination are what balances the matches. Why not remove squad chat and ban everyone using discord? The balance problem isn't an MVP or BSS problem, its a Neo's shitty scripts problem. We take the fall for it though. Thanks! very well thought out decision making. What do eucalyptus leaves takes like?


-bZ- Member
Penalize teams for being good. That's what kinda server you run. Sorry for wanting to play with friends, its a battlefield thing, you wouldn't understand. Squadplay is what seperates winning from losing teams. Communication and Coordination are what balances the matches. Why not remove squad chat and ban everyone using discord? The balance problem isn't an MVP or BSS problem, its a Neo's shitty scripts problem. We take the fall for it though. Thanks! very well thought out decision making. What do eucalyptus leaves takes like?
because raping a bunch of non regulars all the fucking time is definitely going to help this 9 year old dead game stay alive longer right?

myself and some other regulars on BZ2 will switch teams when spawn rape happens and try and push back the team we just got to total domination of the map. this does not happen often enough in a self regulatory process so the admin team is taking matters into their own hands (ya know, since it's their fucking servers they have maintained for years and whatnot).
all I hear is a little bitch with a problem and no viable communicative solution to offer.

call Neo a shitty problem solver all you want, but you should probably offer a better solution instead of a 4/10 REEEEEE meme thread if you're so much better.
Penalize teams for being good. That's what kinda server you run. Sorry for wanting to play with friends, its a battlefield thing, you wouldn't understand. Squadplay is what seperates winning from losing teams. Communication and Coordination are what balances the matches. Why not remove squad chat and ban everyone using discord? The balance problem isn't an MVP or BSS problem, its a Neo's shitty scripts problem. We take the fall for it though. Thanks! very well thought out decision making. What do eucalyptus leaves takes like?
Go play elsewhere then, you dipshit.
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The balance problem isn't an MVP or BSS problem
I somewhat disagree with this. Whether it is MVP, BSS, TGiF or whoever they always play for the same team all these clans in order to have a superiority with respect to their enemy team, they may think that it is fine and that they are having a lot of fun but they do not achieve any competition, they are only taking advantage of players who don't really know how to move around the map or simply because they don't know how the game works well.
Now I ask you, if you see that in a game a team is being attacked at its own base, would you change sides as long as the game was more balanced? Most of us here know what your answer will be.
If you see me play, you will always see me going to help the losing team unless the game is balanced, taking advantage of the players is not my thing, much less having no competition at all, for me it is too boring, I I entertain having pilots with skills or people who are good at the game but playing against them, playing with them on the same team without having competition of the same skill only improves your KDA.
Sometimes the balance will depend on the players and not on the administrators, Neo is fine but in the end it doesn't matter with the commands, if you know how the game works you will capture some objectives and then use !assist, nothing more.

Pd: @sioux stfu
I understand the need for squad and even player split. If anyone remembers JL and tusk, those two could be a force that would make the game not fun.

We were blindsided by this, and honestly, I wish some communication would have been been given first. I think that would have been a better step forward to take and also a way to prepare us.

You mention too much stacking on teams. How do you calculate this? KDR? TTD? Ticket depletion? Can you give us some criteria so we can be prepared when these swaps happen?

We play together as squads and teams and some of us are donating members. It's your server, obviously, but will bz members be held to the same standards and team swapped/dispersed if they are running 100-1?
@Koshmenk should hop on BZ3 bro every round is a rape there.
@Koshmenk should hop on BZ3 bro every round is a rape there.
No man, LGMA boys are the love of my life, I was born by my mother and I will die by LGMA.
Besides the best players are in bZ1, bZ3 should play with me.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
We were blindsided by this, and honestly, I wish some communication would have been been given first. I think that would have been a better step forward to take and also a way to prepare us.

Blindsided by what? Balance adjustments? This is not some form of punishment, it's just adjustments to the balancer which are always a work in progress because no one is ever happy with the balance. Just like all other balancer adjustments, maybe it works and maybe it doesn't. Won't know until we try. So far it seems promising.

You mention too much stacking on teams. How do you calculate this? KDR? TTD? Ticket depletion? Can you give us some criteria so we can be prepared when these swaps happen?

Mostly looking at round-end ticket differentials. So far this week compared to similar timeframes last week when you guys generally play we're seeing on average ~150 ticket closer matches which seems to imply it's at least doing something, but I want more data to compare before saying for sure if it's having the intended effect or not.

We play together as squads and teams and some of us are donating members. It's your server, obviously, but will bz members be held to the same standards and team swapped/dispersed if they are running 100-1?

Has nothing to do with K/D really, but yes. Right now everyone on the list is put there manually but I'll probably come up with a way to feed it "top X players in past Y period" type thing or something to forcibly split the top players to prevent stacking. "Stacking" doesn't mean intentional...most of the time it's not intentional. It's notoriously difficult to implement a good balancer to create rounds that are actually competitive.
Funny, I didn't notice any BZ members on that list of dispersed people. :rolleyes: I get trying to have balanced matches but punishing players by preventing them from playing with friends is not cool, especially when y'all do it too. It seems to be OK for neo to sit at the back of the map spamming TV's with 4 repair bitches on his boat going 100-0, but if we play together that's a bad thing?

If your team is getting dominated, the solution is easy: squad up and PTFO. That's all we do, and anyone can do it too. If other players can't be bothered to engage with the basic mechanics of the game, why should we be punished for that? In some matches the ticket differential is huge just because 75% of the team is on a mountain or rooftop (Gulf of Oman famous example) somewhere not capping objectives. Disperse those players, not those who are playing the objectives and working together.

You said its not a punishment but it sure as hell feels like one...


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
Funny, I didn't notice any BZ members on that list of dispersed people.
There are no bZ people that play consistently enough right now at the same time for it to matter.

I get trying to have balanced matches but punishing players by preventing them from playing with friends is not cool, especially when y'all do it too.

It's not punishment. Someone has got to get moved for balance. That's just how it is.
It seems to be OK for neo to sit at the back of the map spamming TV's with 4 repair bitches on his boat going 100-0, but if we play together that's a bad thing?

Half the time it's blueberries repping me, and I'm always in the middle of the fight not sitting back.
If your team is getting dominated, the solution is easy: squad up and PTFO. That's all we do, and anyone can do it too. If other players can't be bothered to engage with the basic mechanics of the game, why should we be punished for that? In some matches the ticket differential is huge just because 75% of the team is on a mountain or rooftop (Gulf of Oman famous example) somewhere not capping objectives. Disperse those players, not those who are playing the objectives and working together.

The majority of players are not in clans, etc. so it's about impossible to make that happen. Raped servers = empty servers. Good balance = happy players = we all have somewhere to play for hopefully many years to come.

As the list of players to split grows the impact on individual people should become smaller and will likely go mostly unnoticed but if say 5 people that are all on the list are trying to play together the server won't let that happen. It's unfortunate but that's the code we're working with (Adkats). Ideally it could kick in only if like 5+ total people from the list were in the server or some threshold like that, but the system doesn't have that granular of configuration.
Its not punishment to you because you still get to have your little repair simps in your shitty boat maps and have bitch pilots like you favorite little gimp Fluff fly you around you lazy ass. You dont play objectives you camp in corners with a fucking Saiga 12G in infy maps you fucking joke. You're not the same teir of player as you're punishing. Shitty abusive greedy badmin. Make sure you pay your Neo tax kids so this greasy fuck can keep fucking the community!

the system doesn't have that granular of configuration.

Not sure if the following would be possible, but, I feel worth asking:
Would it be possible to balance squads as a group? What I mean by this is ordering squads by points at the end of the round. Then putting all even squads on team A and all odd squads on team B. This would keep squads playing together but not stack them. So, if MVP or BSS were playing at the same time, it would be unlikely they are placed on the same team. Not sure if this kind of thing is possible with the tools available to you or would have the balance effects you are after.

If something like this is possible, would it be possible to swap two entire squads to balance a match mid-round?

I appreciate the team is trying to create more balanced games in an effort of trying to keep the community alive. However, making the game less enjoyable for the regulars to play (by preventing them from playing together) may have unintended consequences. An action that leads to fewer regulars (which often provide a seeding to the servers) may over time kill the community more. Not saying it will, but could.

Just my two cents.

Finally, MVPenis > BSScrotum


-bZ- Member

Not sure if the following would be possible, but, I feel worth asking:
Would it be possible to balance squads as a group? What I mean by this is ordering squads by points at the end of the round. Then putting all even squads on team A and all odd squads on team B. This would keep squads playing together but not stack them. So, if MVP or BSS were playing at the same time, it would be unlikely they are placed on the same team. Not sure if this kind of thing is possible with the tools available to you or would have the balance effects you are after.

If something like this is possible, would it be possible to swap two entire squads to balance a match mid-round?

I appreciate the team is trying to create more balanced games in an effort of trying to keep the community alive. However, making the game less enjoyable for the regulars to play (by preventing them from playing together) may have unintended consequences. An action that leads to fewer regulars (which often provide a seeding to the servers) may over time kill the community more. Not saying it will, but could.

Just my two cents.

Finally, MVPenis > BSScrotum
Unfortunately, the way bf4 works in regard to moving squads (or rather moving a player into another squad x 10) kills the player before moving. Why? I'm unsure as to who chose to code it that way but I don't think people would appreciate having up to 10 people randomly "killed by admin" and swapped teams mid match when it's much less drastic moving one decent player to the other side.
I understand getting balanced away from your friends sucks, but it's really not the end of all fun. I for one, enjoy slaughtering my friends just as much as playing with them.
This game is almost 9 years old. If you're not good at it yet, get fucking good. It's sad that you have to ruin our game play because noobs cry about it unfair.. Why not do something about it, not hard to get good at this game. As for Neo perm dispersed MVP clan..I seen screenshots of the commands.. Now we just don't wear clan tags anymore?? Sounds a little controlling to me and not needed. As for MVP they're not really that good ;) . When us TGIF play, we go on the opposite side just to make Toby aka Przzz cry and quit the game. So, we're kind of the balance for the server. When the game splits everyone up, it counter balances us and we get on same team as MVP sadly.