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God-King Neo Jinping's Balance

246-0 tix... 349-11.... tix the fuck are you crying about? are those landslide victories to you? and who the fuck even are you? some mid little God-King Neo Jinping brown noser? Go give him more money, go post messages of praise to your glorious leader on the donations forum or something.
Balance is an issue, ya'll got to exploit it but you're literally killing the game. I am for any and all balance measures sorry...

Agreed, this is a big problem in bZ servers and I'm glad it's finally being addressed even if it doesn't seem like the permanent solution needed. "bZ balance" has always been a popular joke on the servers for a reason.

but I'll probably come up with a way to feed it "top X players in past Y period" type thing or something to forcibly split the top players to prevent stacking.

This is the way, not manually cherry-picking players that happen to be kicking ass when admins are paying attention.
Honestly, I get what you're trying to do.. But honestly it's making it for the worst and will push your core regulars away.. We all just want to play with friends. I get some idiot MVP guys always want to be on the winning team, whether it's a few bad apples, we all shouldn't all be judged.. At the end of the map it scatters all the squads and fucks it all up.. Honesty ruining our gaming experience..

You're trying to attact new players to a dying game, also remember your servers relies on regulars.

as for "xBlastFTPastx" - You're a bitch, you came on here and sent a PM to Serlose and I apologizing cause you was being a cunt not long ago.. I see nothings changed lmao. Your screen shot means fuck all as buddy said. Just because you guys can't communicate and act like a team player, us regulars gotta suffer.. A bunch of whiny cunts if you ask me.

In the end, it's Neo's server he can do as he pleases whether it's beneficial or not.

P.s Does bZ guys get scattered as well? Or is it just the guys the kick your asses ;)?
Refunds for VIP members on Neo's "they're better than me" list? Perks are gutted now, just able to get in to be team swapped faster. And !lead. Wow. Not worth 10 rubles, nevermind dollars.
Refunds for VIP members on Neo's "they're better than me" list? Perks are gutted now, just able to get in to be team swapped faster. And !lead. Wow. Not worth 10 rubles, nevermind dollars.
Looking forward to your forum ban. If it was mine to give, you would have been gone several comments ago. Stirring up shift, being disrespectful to your host in their home. I would have kicked you to the curb already. You can go play somewhere else, you know that right? Nothing is owed you here. You have zero respect for your free service others pay for.
Looking forward to your forum ban. If it was mine to give, you would have been gone several comments ago. Stirring up shift, being disrespectful to your host in their home. I would have kicked you to the curb already. You can go play somewhere else, you know that right? Nothing is owed you here. You have zero respect for your free service others pay for.
this fr fr.
Good thing nobody has ever cared about your opinion. Sioux you're just another weak crying player that needs Neo to fight for you. Fuck yourself and everyone that looks like you. Get better at the game and stop wasting your time in here. You have no voice here. Your stupid, not thought out donations dont give you an opinion in this. This is between Rat-King Neo and the good players on the server.


Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Good thing nobody has ever cared about your opinion. Sioux you're just another weak crying player that needs Neo to fight for you. Fuck yourself and everyone that looks like you. Get better at the game and stop wasting your time in here. You have no voice here. Your stupid, not thought out donations dont give you an opinion in this. This is between Rat-King Neo and the good players on the server.

You should take note of your own advice.
Good thing nobody has ever cared about your opinion. Sioux you're just another weak crying player that needs Neo to fight for you. Fuck yourself and everyone that looks like you. Get better at the game and stop wasting your time in here. You have no voice here. Your stupid, not thought out donations dont give you an opinion in this. This is between Rat-King Neo and the good players on the server.

You can go play somewhere else, you know that right?
Again, I thought the whole point here was to keep players playing, not drive them away. If it's too hard for you to play against us, why don't YOU go play somewhere else?

The reason most of us played here was the fact that bz DIDN'T ban people for being 'too good' like so many others do (TBG, AARP, etc). Now we find out we're essentially 'shadowbanned' from playing together. And the scrubs cheer, because its not them who are targeted.

The huge ticket disparities are typically due to one side that literally has 5 spawn beacons on their home mountain or a random rooftop. Those players are the problem, not us. They aren't helping their team, they aren't communicating, lasing or even spotting most of the time. Neo said something about 'balancing the top X players' based on score or something, why not balance the chuds that are just sandbagging the team?

Y'all just seem to want an easy win. You don't want to use VOIP (which is built in to the game) or PTFO but still want that sweet round win. Fucking participation trophies.

This isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventures or Barbie Dreamland Dress-up. The word HARDCORE is literally in the server name. No crying in Hardcore!

Nut up and play with your squad to PTFO or stfu. Simple shit.
Good thing nobody has ever cared about your opinion. Sioux you're just another weak crying player that needs Neo to fight for you. Fuck yourself and everyone that looks like you. Get better at the game and stop wasting your time in here. You have no voice here. Your stupid, not thought out donations dont give you an opinion in this. This is between Rat-King Neo and the good players on the server
I am being team switched every game. I'm trying to play with a friend new to battlefield and I'm getting switched around every, EVERY fucking game. Why? At the beginnings of rounds it says I cannot switch to the winning team... 1000/1000 tickets. Because fuck me I guess. Then if I try later it says I'm on some list of players not to be moved. Not fun. Not cool. Not fair. If controlling the players that regularly play is your idea of balance its not right.
Now we KNOW you're lying. You HAVE no friends.
Again, I thought the whole point here was to keep players playing, not drive them away. If it's too hard for you to play against us, why don't YOU go play somewhere else?

The reason most of us played here was the fact that bz DIDN'T ban people for being 'too good' like so many others do (TBG, AARP, etc). Now we find out we're essentially 'shadowbanned' from playing together. And the scrubs cheer, because its not them who are targeted.

The huge ticket disparities are typically due to one side that literally has 5 spawn beacons on their home mountain or a random rooftop. Those players are the problem, not us. They aren't helping their team, they aren't communicating, lasing or even spotting most of the time. Neo said something about 'balancing the top X players' based on score or something, why not balance the chuds that are just sandbagging the team?

Y'all just seem to want an easy win. You don't want to use VOIP (which is built in to the game) or PTFO but still want that sweet round win. Fucking participation trophies.

This isn't Hello Kitty Island Adventures or Barbie Dreamland Dress-up. The word HARDCORE is literally in the server name. No crying in Hardcore!

Nut up and play with your squad to PTFO or stfu. Simple shit.

Man this is way to long I'm sorry I'm not reading this.
Honestly, I get what you're trying to do.. But honestly it's making it for the worst and will push your core regulars away.. We all just want to play with friends. I get some idiot MVP guys always want to be on the winning team, whether it's a few bad apples, we all shouldn't all be judged.. At the end of the map it scatters all the squads and fucks it all up.. Honesty ruining our gaming experience..

You're trying to attact new players to a dying game, also remember your servers relies on regulars.

as for "xBlastFTPastx" - You're a bitch, you came on here and sent a PM to Serlose and I apologizing cause you was being a cunt not long ago.. I see nothings changed lmao. Your screen shot means fuck all as buddy said. Just because you guys can't communicate and act like a team player, us regulars gotta suffer.. A bunch of whiny cunts if you ask me.

In the end, it's Neo's server he can do as he pleases whether it's beneficial or not.

P.s Does bZ guys get scattered as well? Or is it just the guys the kick your asses ;)?
Man shut the fuck up you yeasty mouth-breathing soft shell crab. You're a pussy. Only an absolute canker blossom bed-sore having shit stain would react like this to someone's appeal in a direct message to you. You exude weakness. Winning in a decade-old game is all you have. You call people whiny cunts and here you are wearing the fucking crown. Continue to suffer you mentally destitute estrogen replacement therapy apotheosis. Go back to the bushes in front of your local public school where you belong.
Man shut the fuck up you yeasty mouth-breathing soft shell crab. You're a pussy. Only an absolute canker blossom bed-sore having shit stain would react like this to someone's appeal in a direct message to you. You exude weakness. Winning in a decade-old game is all you have. You call people whiny cunts and here you are wearing the fucking crown. Continue to suffer you mentally destitute estrogen replacement therapy apotheosis. Go back to the bushes in front of your local public school where you belong.

Lmaooo calm down bro he's done.
It doesn't make sense to split up friends; which is why I even play this game anymore. It's like hey, play here after you work all day and want a release, even donate, but don't get comfy or have any continuity in game play?

Balance based on a handful individuals to disperse isn’t really balancing; You can't predict lone wolf players that are far above average negating the point. And players will always keep trying to be together.

It is a punishment for us regulars; you put in a lot of work to win, then you get swapped once you get a foothold, nullifying the point of even trying that round. When you think about that, coupled with the splitting up of friends (no kidding like 6 times in one round), I feel like this is a soft ban of our players.

The irony is BSS *always* assists the weak team; We get restless and bored if we own everything. Having created this "clan", I can tell you that most of BSS, with the exception of maybe Moose on the tanks, are average-to-good players - who only have high capture score, not KD. Any KD is incidental, because we rode it home.

To target us is just odd. We’ve only even worked to be a balance in the server against MVP and BZ, and have fun with other regulars. To think of all those frustrating times of having to assist over and over and never being told.