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-bZ- Member
sitting in the back farming infantry is not pushing objectives superman is a farmer by definition and so is JL the only difference is that JL admits to it while superman thinks he's pushing objectives and helping the team i seen enough of how he plays and dude is 20-0 while we don't have a single flag he will only capture a flag wen everyone is there capturing it even tho he's in a tank dude is scared for his KD all the time

but of coarse his discord simps will defend his gameplay i don't like the dude don't like how he plays and on top of that he was calling me out while i was in the AA the other night dude is just a goof honestly, dude thinks he's good by farming and running away constantly lol get a grip

What the fuck does his gameplay have to do with yours? If he wants to camp in the fucking uncap all round and take long shots at infantry then that's his business. I literally have zero fucks to give over this kind of thing and why?

Because he's obeying the rules.

For the record, I personally have no problems with superman and JL, and i greatly enjoy c4ing you both. But people camping with vehicles in uncap isn't fun for the rest of the team, who need those vehicles to push. As much shit as i give PrZZZ for swapping to the winning team, I also have to acknowledge that he helps cap objectives. Credit where credit's due and all that.
What the fuck does his gameplay have to do with yours? If he wants to camp in the fucking uncap all round and take long shots at infantry then that's his business. I literally have zero fucks to give over this kind of thing and why?

Because he's obeying the rules.

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To be absolutely clear, I don't camp and I don't "farm". Just a bunch of haters that accuse me of doing the very thing they are doing.


-bZ- Member
I imagine you'd feel differently if he was on your team.

No, I wouldn't. I seriously don't give a single fuck how anyone else plays this game so long as they do so according to the rules of whatever server they happen to be on.

And to be clear, there are some fucking insane server rules out there which is why I like BZ. The rules here are simple and they're evenly enforced.

Fucking VQ37 will ban you for killing an admin. They'll ban you for being a good sniper. They'll ban you for using C4 in a game where you can use C4. They'll ban you for using a beacon in a game where you can use a beacon.

I got banned there four or five years ago now and I still want to go hunt some of them down and fucking curb stomp them for being dicks.

But it's easier to just play on BZ.

And here you are being a total cunt and trying to dictate the rules around here and fucking obsess over how other people play the game.

How about you just play your game and let everyone else play theirs? Hmm? How about that?

I mean so long as some dick isn't fucking with you in game then just go enjoy the game.
No, I wouldn't. I seriously don't give a single fuck how anyone else plays this game so long as they do so according to the rules of whatever server they happen to be on.

And to be clear, there are some fucking insane server rules out there which is why I like BZ. The rules here are simple and they're evenly enforced.

Fucking VQ37 will ban you for killing an admin. They'll ban you for being a good sniper. They'll ban you for using C4 in a game where you can use C4. They'll ban you for using a beacon in a game where you can use a beacon.

I got banned there four or five years ago now and I still want to go hunt some of them down and fucking curb stomp them for being dicks.

But it's easier to just play on BZ.

And here you are being a total cunt and trying to dictate the rules around here and fucking obsess over how other people play the game.

How about you just play your game and let everyone else play theirs? Hmm? How about that?

I mean so long as some dick isn't fucking with you in game then just go enjoy the game.
Yea I got banned for "hacking" there. Still remember my last game there years ago...golmud railway. Over a hundred kills in the aa lol
And here you are being a total cunt and trying to dictate the rules around here and fucking obsess over how other people play the game.
Damn son. I got promoted to cunt fast, usually i get called a shitter first. I don't make the rules, and I'm not advocating for any change to the rules. I'm saying your team prefers to have their armor out of spawn and supporting them. There isn't a single person who's said, "my vehicles are just TOO GOOD. i wish they were being more useless". Other than calling me a cunt (personally I prefer faggot), I agree with your stance that players should be allowed to play how they want to play, it's just incredibly annoying getting hammered by enemy tanks while your team has tanks going 80-2 but they aren't touching any objectives.
Damn son. I got promoted to cunt fast, usually i get called a shitter first. I don't make the rules, and I'm not advocating for any change to the rules. I'm saying your team prefers to have their armor out of spawn and supporting them. There isn't a single person who's said, "my vehicles are just TOO GOOD. i wish they were being more useless". Other than calling me a cunt (personally I prefer faggot), I agree with your stance that players should be allowed to play how they want to play, it's just incredibly annoying getting hammered by enemy tanks while your team has tanks going 80-2 but they aren't touching any objectives.
Damn son. I got promoted to cunt fast, usually i get called a shitter first. I don't make the rules, and I'm not advocating for any change to the rules. I'm saying your team prefers to have their armor out of spawn and supporting them. There isn't a single person who's said, "my vehicles are just TOO GOOD. i wish they were being more useless". Other than calling me a cunt (personally I prefer faggot), I agree with your stance that players should be allowed to play how they want to play, it's just incredibly annoying getting hammered by enemy tanks while your team has tanks going 80-2 but they aren't touching any objectives.
I agree with both of you. This exact reason is why I called JL and the dude has hated me ever since


-bZ- Member
For the record, I personally have no problems with superman and JL, and i greatly enjoy c4ing you both.

Yeah, you fucking hypocrite. You put up this bullshit disclaimer and then post this passive aggressive bullshit afterwards:

But people camping with vehicles in uncap isn't fun for the rest of the team, who need those vehicles to push.

So you do have a problem, don't you? So why get your British on and say you don't have a problem when in fact you do? And then you go on to itemize exactly what your fucking problem is?

Just to clarify for you, this isn't an actual war we're doing here. Newsflash: it's a fucking game.

A year from now no one will give a single shit about how you and your buds lost a round of BF4 because some random guy was sniping, tanking, using the AA, or shooting UAV from the uncap. No one.

Hell, I already don't give a fuck about the next game you're in where someone pisses you off because they don't play the way you want them to.

Fucking A, dude, it may as well be me you run into who likes to sit back near the uncap and use the AA to fuck with the enemy aircraft instead of using it exactly the way you want me to.

Now here's my disclaimer: It's the 4th of July and I am bombed as fuck as I write this. One of my friends who became my friend during an actual fucking war died last year and this is the first 4th of July since 1982 that I haven't celebrated with him. I miss the fuck out of him.

And here you are pissing about how other people play a fucking game.

My friend, you lack perspective.

Whatever the fuck country you're from I would recommend joining your armed forces, do four years of doing actual shit, and then come back to the world with an understanding that a fucking video game is supposed to be fun.

Because if you want to do something that actually matters then this is not the place for you.

This is:



-bZ- Member
Damn son. I got promoted to cunt fast, usually i get called a shitter first. I don't make the rules, and I'm not advocating for any change to the rules. I'm saying your team prefers to have their armor out of spawn and supporting them. There isn't a single person who's said, "my vehicles are just TOO GOOD. i wish they were being more useless". Other than calling me a cunt (personally I prefer faggot), I agree with your stance that players should be allowed to play how they want to play, it's just incredibly annoying getting hammered by enemy tanks while your team has tanks going 80-2 but they aren't touching any objectives.

Yeah, you're fucking British, aren't you? At the very least you're Commonwealth.
And then you go on to itemize exactly what your fucking problem is?
Nah, I wouldn't really say its a problem, more like a personal preference to playing? like people should push flags, cap points, mav beacons, etc. Armor should help cap flags, needs infy support, all that.

You gotta lay off the sauce though, I don't like what it does to you. I'm american btw, so go fuck yourself and happy 4th. I have no idea why you went to nationality, i just know youve got some issues, which is wayyy more than i needed to know about you.

Now here's my disclaimer: It's the 4th of July and I am bombed as fuck as I write this. One of my friends who became my friend during an actual fucking war died last year and this is the first 4th of July since 1982 that I haven't celebrated with him. I miss the fuck out of him.
and im supposed to know this how? Translation: I'm super drunk and thats my excuse for being a piece of shit today, hope yall like it. Maybe get off the forum of a fucking decades old game and spend some time doing something else if you cant handle your shit.
Newsflash: it's a fucking game.
So chill the fuck out. I have no goddamn clue why you took this so personally (apart from the booze), but print this entire forum convo, lube it up with that baddragon lube you keep under your bed, and insert as medically directed.
Yeah, you fucking hypocrite. You put up this bullshit disclaimer and then post this passive aggressive bullshit afterwards:

So you do have a problem, don't you? So why get your British on and say you don't have a problem when in fact you do? And then you go on to itemize exactly what your fucking problem is?

Just to clarify for you, this isn't an actual war we're doing here. Newsflash: it's a fucking game.

A year from now no one will give a single shit about how you and your buds lost a round of BF4 because some random guy was sniping, tanking, using the AA, or shooting UAV from the uncap. No one.

Hell, I already don't give a fuck about the next game you're in where someone pisses you off because they don't play the way you want them to.

Fucking A, dude, it may as well be me you run into who likes to sit back near the uncap and use the AA to fuck with the enemy aircraft instead of using it exactly the way you want me to.

Now here's my disclaimer: It's the 4th of July and I am bombed as fuck as I write this. One of my friends who became my friend during an actual fucking war died last year and this is the first 4th of July since 1982 that I haven't celebrated with him. I miss the fuck out of him.

And here you are pissing about how other people play a fucking game.

My friend, you lack perspective.

Whatever the fuck country you're from I would recommend joining your armed forces, do four years of doing actual shit, and then come back to the world with an understanding that a fucking video game is supposed to be fun.

Because if you want to do something that actually matters then this is not the place for you.

This is:

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I used to be against any type of any type of conscription... But for the past 10 years I've been leaning towards at least 2 years of mandatory service in some capacity. I think it would really ratchet down the opinions of ignorant people who have no idea what they are talking about.

I'm sorry for the loss of your buddy.