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Square Panties - Who threatens to ban people..


-bZ- Member
2k/d despite 70k kills in the chopper is just a testament to your skill level. and 0.5 kpm? not surprising since you probably spend most of your time waiting for the chopper on the helipad.

Staying a 100m or so from uncap or even up to the nearest flag from uncap and then running back every time a fart gets tossed his way.

Let me know when you guys know wtf you are talking about. Until then, stay mald
No video evidence just your words okay yea nice proof. I’ve never done that grouch but keep crying cause I’m not banned
Dude, are you really this immature at 24? . I've never seen someone so butt hurt from a report of them griefing and breaking the rules. Then you say we need a minute video for hacking.. Ain't no one said hacking.. You seem to have your tail between your legs. And the fact you make a thread "someone mad at me lol" like c'mon kid, grow the fuck up. I never seen such a whiny, entitled prick before. These threads are actually working out great, now the world knows how much of a loser you really are Squarepanties.
What is the prerequisite to being a farmer? barely 2 k/d and 0,5 kpm is considered being a farmer now?

A farmer is a non-aggressive player who sits on the safe side of the map and at the instance of danger, retreats back to uncap. A farmer is a selfish, k/d player who thinks the heli or tank won't just respawn in a minute and will spend longer going back to uncap than just going out in a blaze of glory and waiting for it to respawn. A farmer rarely caps flags. A farmer doesn't play as a squad. A farmer sits on rooftops and thinks he's helping by getting some kills. Are you a farmer? Your flag capture rate is 1 flag every 18.26 minutes. Mine is 1 flag every 3.69 minutes. You are a farmer.
A farmer is a non-aggressive player who sits on the safe side of the map and at the instance of danger, retreats back to uncap. A farmer is a selfish, k/d player who thinks the heli or tank won't just respawn in a minute and will spend longer going back to uncap than just going out in a blaze of glory and waiting for it to respawn. A farmer rarely caps flags. A farmer doesn't play as a squad. A farmer sits on rooftops and thinks he's helping by getting some kills. Are you a farmer? Your flag capture rate is 1 flag every 18.26 minutes. Mine is 1 flag every 3.69 minutes. You are a farmer.
Holly shit, simple and clear, put this in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
A farmer is a non-aggressive player who sits on the safe side of the map and at the instance of danger, retreats back to uncap. A farmer is a selfish, k/d player who thinks the heli or tank won't just respawn in a minute and will spend longer going back to uncap than just going out in a blaze of glory and waiting for it to respawn. A farmer rarely caps flags. A farmer doesn't play as a squad. A farmer sits on rooftops and thinks he's helping by getting some kills. Are you a farmer? Your flag capture rate is 1 flag every 18.26 minutes. Mine is 1 flag every 3.69 minutes. You are a farmer.
Complaining about his spm or KD is dumb. He is the pilot, not the gunner. If you know anything about helicopters, you would know the pilot gets less than a quarter of the gunner's kills. Also, attack heli don't cap flags unless you're an idiot
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I'm genuinely confused about how you got his capture rate since that's not a stat that is tracked, or at least that I can find. Also, complaining about his spm or KD is dumb. He is the pilot, not the gunner. If you know anything about helicopters, you would know the pilot gets less than a quarter of the gunner's kills. Also, attack heli don't cap flags unless you're an idiot
lol Whatever you say kid, by definition he's still a farmer because this is no "only" attack helicopter game is bf4 so get in a different vehicle too and cap. Also attack helis arent available in every map so the stats reflect a lot more of other farmer techniques that you can't defend with that argument...
lol Whatever you say kid, by definition he's still a farmer because this is no "only" attack helicopter game is bf4 so get in a different vehicle too and cap. Also attack helis arent available in every map so the stats reflect a lot more of other farmer techniques that you can't defend with that argument...
HEY THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT!! Yea there are different game modes in the game and score and kills per minute mean nothing lol. I'm not saying he's not a farmer, but I'm not saying you aren't either. You might be a shitter farmer who doesn't know how to do it well.
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HEY THANKS FOR PROVING MY POINT!! Yea there are different game modes in the game and score and kills per minute mean nothing lol. I'm not saying he's not a farmer, but I'm not saying you aren't either. You might be a shitter farmer who doesn't know how to do it well.
Did your mom drop you like a basketball when you were a baby? Score does means something you idiot. That's how the game works. Having the full forum calling you out does mean something as well...
Sigh, you must be retarted and unintelligent about the game. TDM gives only points for kills, while conquest gives way more per flag cap + kills. You must be retarded not to know this and just wanting to talk because you are an idiot loooool. Like, really, how stupid are you?? PEOPLE PLAYED OTHER GAME MODES WHEN THE GAME WAS OUT BUD

Also, if it means something, it must mean the same to you because your stats are almost the same lol


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ughh.. OMG you are reaching DadERaaz level of stupidity here... So your logic is because people used to play 10y ago TDM score doesn't mean anything? You are pulling my score to make a point you idiot, score means something. People farming the score is a different thing. For that we have the forums to call you rats out. For real.. Is momma still bashing your head against the ground? how stupid are you?
Okay? We agree. So, where is your evidence other than the picture Fluff showed you guys? Because that's what you all laughed at and provided as evidence? Other than your words, which mean nothing, nothing shows that he is a " farmer."
Okay? We agree. So, where is your evidence other than the picture Fluff showed you guys? Because that's what you all laughed at and provided as evidence? Other than your words, which mean nothing, nothing shows that he is a " farmer."
My evidence is that I have seen with my own eyes Fluff take the AA into friendly base uncap in Paracel Storm and spend all match there shooting only god knows what till the end of the round. Shit like this witness by many people gets the forum raged at you FARMERS.