-bZ- Member
You have called every one of us liars when we state you are a farmer.... let's see to date there are 57 forum posters that have called you out as a farmer.... guess we are all liars, and you are the true saint.Maybe you did, but it's baseless. The times I "farmed" was way back when I first started and I didn't play hardcore. Back when bz24 was up, there was not a single game that I played with you that you could legit say I was farming. I was always pushing flags to get points to get #1 on the server, which I did.
And it's not "we". This whole "hate on superman" started when I called out a couple of dudes (3 to be exact) for farming, and you dishonestly chimed in. They only called me a farmer cause I called them one. So many people, especially JL, have so many videos of me and not one shows me farming. Go touch grass.
Shall I also quote our leader as well calling you out...oh wait you cried after that posting too.
And you continue that same path on other servers.... your quest to be #1, by farming. Guess some peeps need that validation in life and yours is through a 10-year-old pathetic. You need to get out of your mom's basement, see the sun, breathe in fresh air, have friends outside of the make-believe game worlds.