Which ARK servs are we using?


Staff member
Senior Admin
I see ArkModedPVE ARKPVP ArkScorch and BaznoreArk2 for Ark servers on our dedicated server.
Which one of these are we not using so I can get them shut down and not charging us for the player slots...


I dont know :(
Double-check with Bawlin, but I know we currently have 4 banzore servers up. 2 scorched earth, and 2 islands.

One of the island servers may be hosted by a member. One of the scorched earth servers can go, but I'm not sure which of the ones you listed there billy.
It looks like three of our servers are down. Did we do something with them?
OK, so it looks like there are 3 official banzore servers, all of which are currently offline as of this post.


BanZore.com **Wipe 5/5** TheIsland PvP Increased Rates Mods - United States 0 theisland OFFLINE
BanZore.com **Wipe 4/26** PvP Weekends Increased Rates Mods+ - United States 0 scorchedearth OFFLINE
BanZore PVP + Increased Rates - (v257.54) United States 0 scorchedearth OFFLINE

If these are still available, I would vote to keep the first two. I think the one in red can go, but I'm not 100% certain without logging into the server to see which is which.

Side note: How can we get these servers back online? This is all I've been playing for the past several weeks.