Appeal your BF4 bans here!

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Mr. Vagatore,

TK'ing is never an appropriate action to take against any type of misconduct on any server. Stooping to the offenders' level puts you in the same class as they.

While I was not the one that administered your ban, I will follow up with him to ascertain the egregiousness of your conduct in this regard. Please watch this thread for a response.

In the future, our TeamSpeak is always open, and there is generally an admin on all day to accept compliments, complaints, and requests for action. We never ban hackers on hearsay, save for that of some of our administrative staff, and we prefer to have video evidence of hacking, so that we may present the evidence to the accused and to PB in the event that they dispute the charges.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our forums and plead your case. We will get back to you shortly. 
Hi CR8Z:

Thank you. I agree with you that TK'ing someone on suspicion of being a hacker, despite having asked for admin and failing which, making the reason known in the match chat before the aforementioned action so that match participants understand, is still not correct and is like stooping to a low level of conduct. 

Sometimes such a perspective is lost in the heat of the play, and when one gets penalised by actions such as the ban, it gives time to retrospect and understand.

I have been gaming for decades, but unfortunately havent used teamspeak. That would have been a good alternative.

I will wait for your response.


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Y'all usin' some fancy words and grammar and such.

TeamSpeak is invaluable.  Get it, learn it, use it.  As Cr8z said, there is an admin on 99% of the time.  If you suspect suspicious activity, only admins should decide whether to retaliate or not.  This will never include griefing. 

Rule #1: Don't be a dick.

Rule #2: See rule #1.

Suspicion of hacking does not abstain one from the very simple rules we put in place.

We'll be in touch.
Wow, did homeboy just walk up in here saying "Please unban me, I won't hack anymore"? 

I need time for that to sink in.
Hi Folks:

Friendly ping to see if you had to chance to follow up on my unban request.


Banned a couple months ago along with several other members of the DS platoon.

Thought I'd try and get unbanned here since I'm actually able to access the forums now. The other DS members no longer play much BF4 and those that still play have since moved to different servers. I also believe Jackson said something along the lines of: "If Lead0FF changes his name he will get unbanned." I'd rather not buy another account just to play on bz, but I do wish for a ban removal to considered. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I am not sure Jackson has ever said anything along these lines, but just in case he'll be the one to say if he did or not.

Other then that, the ban was permanent and across all members of the DS platoon, it will not be up for discussion if Jackson says no.
Was Banned for Chat spam,

Complied, didn't talk back...

Didn't say anything but in sqaud, two lines of chat after the admin asking to "please" quit... Last two lines were hardly spam, and one chat line was me gloating in 5 or so words

I got their AA in the uncap while repairing.

Then banned.


Today - 10min ago (12:38PM EST?) 10-10-2015 ON A SATURDAY

Have a great day! Great sense of humor. It's just a game, right? Lots of fun!
I was just a temp ban, you kept doing it afterwards, We understand it is a game but when you are pissing off the whole server because no one can read chat because you are just spamming childish nonsense, then it becomes a problem. ban should be lifted as I said it was just more or less a warning.
Ok will take care of it, we are aware that it is hardcore but this is set in place for grievers. essentually you had 15 tk's thats a lot hardcore or not.
In-game Name: SirDrake87

Reason: I assume it was my language. Actually, that would be the only thing I can think of.

I would like to formally apologize for my behavior. Even my wife slaps me on the back of my head about it.

She's laughing at me right now >.>

I appreciate your time and effort.

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