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Free bfplayer100 <3

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Hewwo c:

I check the BZ forum once in a while to see the latest bans, and it’s always sad to see it happen to players I’ve talked to or interacted with in game. Earlier I noticed that bfplayer100 had joined the ranks of fallen comrades ;( and I feel strongly enough about that to make an account to post about it.

IIRC bfplayer100 is one of the top players on the 24/7 Siege server. He is always online, populating the server, and capturing objectives. He makes callouts in chat to help his team when an enemy player is capturing a point or hiding behind his team’s lines.

I don’t know about the “constantly switching to the winning team” thing that got him banned, and maybe he does, but it’s unfortunate to see a dedicated player go ;(

Love u,

P.S. you have to admire his dedication with that wall of text. That must be a record for longest ban appeal <3
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Will the "longest ban appeal" get me more points?? (Just Kidding!!) It'll possibly get my account expunged because it causes too much work. I believe the accuser caused this.

Thanks for the words of support for my play on BZ11. I do support Banzore, and have donated much of my allowance to support so it will stay open -- only to get banned for using a perk given to me for that donation not realizing the perk was ever to be a danger if used?? It was a VIP perk, not used by me as stated in the ban. The ban as stated "Banned: abusing VIP. Team switching to winning team every single round" Is a total false statement and works to damage my reputation.

I'll apologize early for the length, a short defense is too easy to squash hence, my excessive wording. My gameplay has always been about capturing objectives, and also populating so the objectives would be there for capturing - thanks very much for noticing.

My callouts could have been an excuse for ban as the 'enemy' hates to see their position has been announced. Which is another of my tactics to get help moving them away from an intended objective so it can be captured. They move because they know they are had, and another benefit, my team watches for that move. Another of my tactics is one of 'psychological' warfare, and can't play that normally against your own team, why would you, however, it works well with the callout function you mention. Some do not understand when 'psychological warfare' is being used. Yes, this is only a game and many make is a simple game - fine, however, some are a little more thoughtful in the use of weapons available.

I believe the ban for reason given and current wording is out of line and inappropriate and complete slander as written. However, I do believe it is not a slander of the admin of Banzore unless the slander comes from a member of the clan, an admin too (doubtful, but could the clan member be a Banzore admin?) Some know not what slander is, however, "the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation". This is why I would hope the 'accuser' is permanently banned and not me. Again, it's only a game, but the slander is out there for all to see.

I'll mention below - At this point it must have been a complaint directly to an admin because it is not a complaint within the forums and the logs do not 'alert' an admin for the specific action stated in the ban itself. It, IMHO, should not be an action to be banned for. It is their server, to ban as they please, and I would hope, if they are not members of the clan in question and if the clan spoke directly to admin, hope they would understand that the ban is not accurate and the admin acted in order to preserve 'non-disruptive' game play based on the 'false statement' within the ban. The ban has been recorded, but hope it is rescinded. It is only a game, however slander is slander.

The entire time I've played I worked to learn the game and learned tactics and techniques from everyone. I've grown to not like the idea of clan play for several reasons - I speak to clan play because I believe it is the 'bullying of a clan" on BZ11 to be unfair. 1 clan in-particular, I speak of, helped me a lot. However, I started to catch their scores, all by myself, not a clan member, but still learning. I saw flaws early within their game play, but kept my mouth shut about it. I can explain my side of the ban as stated is: Banned: abusing VIP. Team switching to winning team every single round", which is a total untruth, however, something only the clan members in question would say within chat.

Their initial ragging on me was K/D -- I've spelled that out within the appeal - killing is not a 'top' priority for me, killing gets 100 points, capping gets 400. Most all players love the K/D aspect of the game, fine, that leaves the capping for me normally. They ragged me when I stopped 'squadding up' - why did I do that -- it's very hard to be in a squad member. who will understand why, at times, you don't spawn in shooting. (Especially the K/D folks) It gives away a spawn location in a second.

I started early squadding up with the clan in question to learn. They will deny it now, but I'd hear (my mic don't work, but my earphones do) things an 'external to a team or clan' should not hear. What could one hear.. Tactics used by the squad (or clan).. That is so important for squad play... However, to hear from someone who is not within the squad, nor on the team in play - had me questioning. Especially when intel was being passed and acted on when, IMHO, that was/is and always will be unfair in a game like this. Other team intel due to clan member 'over there'? Again, when I announced I caught on to it with them, they flatly denied it. "He Said, She Said". My biggest reason for non squad play now is most will spawn on me and immediately start shooting, gives up my position and I get killed. I don't care to hear bad tactics being played any more. At one time I had great respect for the clan in question, but once the cover was taken off, or the skirt was pulled up - I didn't like what I saw.

Several other things they would publicly rag me about, and state things like - no one likes you, you are a hillbilly. Hahaaa, I knew they were grabbing for straws at that point. They didn't like the fact I caught them on the leaderboard, passed them and they couldn't understand without claiming I was cheating. Some would even, come on-line to "watch-me-play" and them 'not play' when all I was doing was acting on the populating request -- they'd just watch and not play... Why- I'm simply there to play the game, if you are watching, you can play - why just watch??

They needed an excuse as to why I am 'their leader now' on the leader board. Well, I now know, they have an 'in' with the Admins as I, again, don't believe a Banzore admin would arbitrarily make statement as was made in my ban reason.

Thanks so much again for noticing BFPLAYER100.
I do not swap teams for wins - tis another "he said she said discussion".... Why would I continue to cap flags at all costs if the win was the only goal?

What stat shows 'ride the coat tails of skilled players'? If I ride coat tails, how does my score compute for the neutralizing/defending and caps I've gotten - most all my neutralizing and caps are done by me alone while others are playing grab azz for K/D points? As this discussion started, I try to train those on my team on what is important for the win. Which stats are 'horrible??' Can a simple game stat be horrible and how is it measured -- Other than for a loser, however, as I say in the game, "it's only a game, only a game, repeat after me, it's only a game"

--- I certainly mean no disrespect neonardo1. However are you a member of the clan who plays on BZ11, or a close friend thereof, am I facing my accuser in you?? Some of the lies and disrespect to me is frightening. Why would the top X list be of importance to you if not? It would be fairer to take away points for the games I've used the 'VIP' gained tool (from banzore for donating to the server) for the "move" benefit. Ez question for admin: "How many games have I used the MOVE command on" however, the hard part is: -- where I did not cap flags for the win??? No way to account for my caps to get the win in that instance.

However, the lie and slander came from: "Team switching to winning team every single round" - untruth, the switch can be made, believe it or not, then flags can be capped, then a win happens.

To arbitrarily take my entire score is something the clan wants to see --- are you in the bz11 clan who plays the game, are you a friend of, or are you a family member of.. The statement 'exclude him from'.... only computes to a loyalty to such.
Only because he swaps teams for wins and to ride the coat tails of skilled players. He's quite horrible statistically.

We'll probably consider unbanning him after we update some code so we can exclude him from all "top X" lists and rankings.
Again, no disrespect intended, only going by what was provided to me ---- In closing my comment to the quoted comment, why would 'unbanning' be on the table for an 'appropriate/truly required' ban much less to 'STAT' pad for all those who are not in the number 1 spot - they all would get a free bump in score (ranked number). Stat padding can go hand in hand with stat erasing. Coat tails?? horrible?? Who is the skilled players you speak of?
When do you plan on releasing your novel bfplayer? At this rate you'll be releasing a trilogy in no time.
Ha Haa --- No doubt -- however, some things may still unfold --- I'm waiting, glad you are too. :)
Only because he swaps teams for wins and to ride the coat tails of skilled players. He's quite horrible statistically.

We'll probably consider unbanning him after we update some code so we can exclude him from all "top X" lists and rankings.
Awesome, are you a player on BZ11, what is your name in the game? Are the admins members of ROF?
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Just me, but when I post on forums I always make a point of taunting the admins especially when I'm asking them for something.

That always ends well! ;)

Watch out man I'm behind on my homework don't make him post chapter 3 of our assigned novel.
Just me, but when I post on forums I always make a point of taunting the admins especially when I'm asking them for something.

That always ends well! ;)
At this point I'm in no position to ask for anything. They will do as they will do. Play the game or take their ball and make me go home anyway at their behest. I will live however, I may have more to laugh about, remains to be seen.
This won't be read as it's too long, however, it's here for those who like Shakespeare.

I need some help learning about the game. A reason the K/D is low - spelt out below. Based on bfplayer100 stats, someone must have complained because they can't catch the #1 player on bz11 (when he can play and the score is counted) . The person who exercised the Ban function on bfplayer100 states above: "Only because he swaps teams for wins and to ride the coat tails of skilled players. He's quite horrible statistically." BFplayer100 stats are attached and the top 11 for 1 month after BFplayer100 ban (has not played since ban) are attached as well but they've still not caught him. The intent appears to be figuring out how he's on top and to take the top score away based on what which was stated above,

The admin are working to expunge bfplayer100 stats on the leaderboard.. Why? Sorry for the dissertations, however, a defense of few words is not a defense at all in most cases where folks don't 'get it' when a statement is not complete - but when it is complete, most cases, it's not read completely either so damned if ya do and damned if ya don't (and pisses of some because they can't keep up).

I 'd like to know what coat tails on even the top 11 players shown on the other attached page that bfplayer100 rides - or anyone else on bz11 for that matter. The statement 'horrible stats' mentioned above, - which stats are horrible? The attached shows bfplayer100 stats of a month ago. It shows the only stats available on the stats page of bz11 to the players of bz who can view stats.

bfplayer100 mentioned in the long dissertation on the ban appeal, that bfplayer100 gets the majority of points from capping flags and neutralizing - where else would the magnitude of points come from (I'll do some math in a moment). Capping gets 400 neutralizing gets 100 and defense has gotten ~200 each. Kills get 100, bfplayer100 doesn't focus on the kills as most everyone else does - bfplayer100 when it comes to k/d, more focus on 'dieing' in order to get to another better spawned location for additional caps. Do apologize for the repeated statement, but some have not read the appeal dissertation.

BZ11 does not show how many caps got here for public consumption for this server, but, it doesn't show how many times use of the !moveme command (or assist command) either. As stated in bfplayer100 defense, he used the !assist and the !moveme commands a lot. Why the moveme? In general to get to the other side to help get caps (remember, 2413 wins, but 774 losses). Many times a team will be full of players and the assist won't work, but that team still needs to cap flags (in the strategic opinion of bfplayer100 to get to the win) assist won't work if their numbers are larger in many cases - they generally are playing grab azz on the tower to stat pad the K/D stats.

bfplayer100 don't move for the purpose of coattail riding -- if everyone else is more concerned with the K/D stat, there is no coattail of the same tactic to ride. Who's coattail would bfplayer100 ride -- there are NO equals or betters. (this statement not meaning to "add fuel to the raging fire" as stated by another admin - absolutely no disrespect intended - facts) - Of recent, in order to help the bfplayer100 team from losing tickets, has learned that downing the C objective on bz11 helps to prevent ticket loss for his team. The k/d stat padders of the tower don't like the tower to be down -- the chopper pilots hate bfplayer100.

The ban states "Team switching to winning team every single round" and is a total untruth based on the intended interpretation. What is supposed to be interpreted by that statement? Why does anyone 'switch teams' with the assist function or the move function? The only tool regular players have to check the numbers of times it is used is within the "chat" tab on the bf11 stats page. Why is there no rule for the assist command and when the perk of moveme is given, why no instructions that it could cause possible ban issues? How many times are too many times to use the perk, especially if a player will be banned for abusing the VIP privvies? How many is abuse?

VIP means bfplayer100 donated to BZ. - he donated hard earned allowance. According to the possible unban, the intent is to: "We'll probably consider unbanning him after we update some code so we can exclude him from all "top X" lists and rankings." Wow, I believe they believe bfplayer100 stat padded to get to be #1, now they are considering unbanning by taking the bfplayer100 score off the scoreboard, which gives effect of, automatically over around 9 million points to others on the scoreboard -- stat padding function. Why should the coattailed get my hard earned points. They continually stat pad with the K/D functions. What is stat pad? - The K/D is one area such happens on bz11

Bfplayer100 did not know the win gets extra points -- no lie, everything must be learned at some time, this was one thing learned right here on bz11 by bfplayer100 from the 'coattailed' players?? The only stat thought (by bfplayer100) raised by winning a game was the NUMBER OF WINS - bfplayer100 doesn't know who on bz11 is the win #1 player of wins and knows it is not he but is a stat which is not the goal of play by bfplayer100. What is the goal win number if so? (again, stat page is attached).

Boxcar, on bz11 taught bfplayer100 the intricacies of 'using the moveme' command and he only recently mentioned that a player gets an extra 3000 points for the win when the clan was trying to figure out why bfplayer100 is #1. Amazing a hillbilly can be such a pain on the scoreboard (again, no disrespect intended). bfplayer100 learned many of the tactics of the clan by listening closely to them when within their squads. As mentioned before, the mic don't work, but the earphones do. Once that was mentioned, the entire clan started mentioning, within chat, 'bfplayer100' moved (and now others as well as no one had noticed or mentioned it before). Look at chat, search for '!moveme' and see who's moving now -- Is it simply for the win?? Hhahahah need to cap in order to catch the 39million.

Math, heres where we lose a few readers of the defense..... Well, that mention of move, never mentioned how many flags were capped after the move, only that bfplayer100 moved. Why is that so important? The clan couldn't figure out why they couldn't catch me and attributed my score to the 'win' and only the 'win'. Their first defense when they realized none of them are on the #1 spot, yes, the clan defense, was 'riding coattails'. Riding coattails?? Haaa, why is the ridden coattail not in #1 spot? (again, no disrespect intended) Ok, all bfplayer100 wins, even before learning the move command is 2413, Boxcar mentioned in chat, the extra 3000 points (again, until mentioned by Boxcar, unknown by bfplayer100) 2413 x 3000, only gets 7239000 --- the score of bfplayer100 at ban time was 39100385. Many wins within bfplayer100 stats before the clan taught the win gets more points -- hence, bfplayer might even consider to be fair the possibility of erasing 'all win' points, but it would be fairer to remove win points after bfplayer100 learned of the 'move' command and started using it -- even though many points were gained by the continual capping of the flags.

For any awaiting more on the continued saga, please read this and ask questions based on what is seen. Public stats are attached. Other stats may not be available to the public, however, stats here are those used in defense.

For review, the ban states: ""abusing VIP. Team switching to winning team every single round " - bfplayer100 contends that statement in whole is slanderous. Can admin find the first time bfplayer100 used the !moveme command, but to go with it the score at that time? Just because it's available with VIP, doesn't mean it was used the very first moment VIP was granted. Wins were still happening based on caps before VIP.


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To see who is using the "VIP" gained command, check the BZ11 Stats page, choose the chat tab and type !moveme to search on and it's amazing.....

Approximately 50 !moveme times over the last few days (add a few days to get to 100) Flash_Hork
Approximately 30 !moveme for L0uisCipher for the last few days
Approximately 30 !moveme for JohnnyQuest515 for the last few days

(do I need to explain approximately?)

Amazing how they are interested in 'this particular ban" -- they are reading and using the 'approve' emoje. Please let me know what is too much in case they 'unban' me.

I say all this in hopes to help future players to maybe be given some guidelines what is appropriate use. A clan member (who don't like my standing) told me it should be common sense. I guess some of us don't have the same type common sense as the clan. (or maybe just me, the hillbilly) How many is too many uses? And, of course, the end all be it all bottom line is they can ban for what they feel is....... Again, no disrespect intended, I am stating facts and want to know how to play on bz11 and not be seen as a cheater by admins. Players who are losing always feel they are being cheated against.

Most all my last entries in chat are in-line with what k1ngcotten stated within the beginning of this forum "Free bfplayer100 <3" Thank you again k1ngcotten for the notice.

It's only a game, only a game, repeat after me, only a game - bfplayer100 used psychological posts as tactic when you review the chats.
Only because he swaps teams for wins and to ride the coat tails of skilled players. He's quite horrible statistically.

We'll probably consider unbanning him after we update some code so we can exclude him from all "top X" lists and rankings.
As for 'fanning any flames, that is not my intention, this is only a game, and no one should be on fire about it.

neonardo1, please help me to understand your statement of 'swaps teams for wins'. I fully explained my swaps after the very sudden, with no warning, ban happened -- which I spelled out my game tactic, within my appeal, of using the swap, move, assist uses. I didn't know about the 'move' ramifications until a member of ROF mentioned it within the game itself - had no idea the ROF member was a staff member when it was mentioned within gameplay, nor did I know was a banzore admin, or personally associated with them. I should have been admin warned that it was an issue, however, it was only mentioned to me by someone who wants my spot on the leaderboard, within gameplay, you are talking of 'erasing'.

I should have been warned so an explanation could have been given rather than a player on bz11 be given the only 'benefit of the doubt' and there is no 'proof of swaps teams for wins'. Just because it is said, doesn't make it so - even with what I say, however, I've proof. A player who wants the number 1 spot is the only who has a problem with it. Is the "assist" command available to all? When a player dies, can they "swap" teams for the spawn back?? How does VIP rate here??

neonardo1, please explain "ride the coat tails of skilled players"... It's certainly not the K/D stat players/padders. This comment is a 'comment made within game by a non-#1 on the leaderboard, who could not understand my ranking'. This comment has no rule, but is a tactic used by "EVERYONE". I can state many uses of all players learning from 'skilled players', however, who's the skilled player I road the coat tail of?? They ride my tail now.

neonardo1, please explain your comment "quite horrible statistically". My post above, on 23 December is a screen cap of my stats. Can a 'game stat' be horrible??
-- adjective
  1. causing or likely to cause horror; shocking.
It's only a game, however, when you mention stat, are their stat padders on bz11? The ban is slanderous because it's untrue, however, I still want to learn, and may still 'ride coat tails' to learn from the best.. Who is the better player here so I can learn from them? If you bring up the 'K/D", the best on bz11 has only a handful of games on record everyone else is no where close to the best K/D on bz11-- how do we rate "horrible statistically".

My intent of the definition above, I don't believe anyone is in horror about a 'game stat', and if they are shocked --- it's only a game, only a game, repeat after me, only a game!

Again, I mean no disrespect, am wanting to learn, but also don't want to be publically slandered as has happened here with "no warning"
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Please help me to understand the differences with "horrible", not horrible, and "ok" and "skilled"...
I just want to be a better player. I am not feeling flamed, am feeling the need to play the game. And-Could I 'coat-tail' any -bz- player to get gud? Below graphic are those who claim membership...



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And then there is how much is too much:


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Dude, STFU. A life lesson for you - state your case in as few words as possible, then STFU. More words will just annoy the very people you're appealing to, and that's not a comment on the BZ admins, that's a comment on everybody everywhere - your bosses, your coworkers, your in-laws, your friends (especially your hillbilly friends), even the manager at the McDonalds. BTW, if you're going to write novellas on internet forums, take a writing class. Your posts are painful to read, though I must admit I was sucked in by the drama. Are you getting paid by the comma?
Dude, STFU. A life lesson for you - state your case in as few words as possible, then STFU. More words will just annoy the very people you're appealing to, and that's not a comment on the BZ admins, that's a comment on everybody everywhere - your bosses, your coworkers, your in-laws, your friends (especially your hillbilly friends), even the manager at the McDonalds. BTW, if you're going to write novellas on internet forums, take a writing class. Your posts are painful to read, though I must admit I was sucked in by the drama. Are you getting paid by the comma?
Are you a player on BZ11?
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