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Swag, explain.

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dude who cares lmfao

I Care. I AM i.

The Lord awaits you. But you must choose to go to Him. No one can force you to do anything. We all have Free Will.

This is not my first rodeo. I told you, I'm seasoned in this War. What don't you understand?
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Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick). Don't even get me started on him (the guy that brought you the "moon landing.")

Notice the single eye on the cover art.

The eye of Amon Ra.





The "All Seeing" eye.


Open your eyes. See.

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Moto under the pyramid on the left:
Novus Ordo Seclorum.... New Order of the Ages. i.e., New World Order in Latin (should have studied Latin... but they don't teach that in "school" anymore)

In fact, a great deal do not understand the English language. THOSE words don't mean what you THINK they mean. You're babbling (Tower of Babel).

And the SPELL'ing is all wrong. You shouldn't speak SPELLS that you don't understand.

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Super unrelated to this thread but just a friendly reminder for everyone to drink plenty of water, take your medications, wear some sunscreen, and call your mother.

T̸̡̝̰̭̞̱͚̺̪͙̗̳̣͇͎̼͔͇͎͙̖̔H̷̭̩̦́̓͛̈̓͗́͌́͗E̶̢̹̺̭̩̟̟̥̦̙̥͗͌̇͜ͅN̷̢̡̡͚͎̯̦͚̰͍̝̮̻͔͖̳͉̳̣̪̠̥͛͌̽̈́͑̋̂͝ ̶̡̛̗̮̼̜͖̜̖̫̜̭͎̹͍̻͛͜H̵̙̬͍͓̫̔̾̋̎̊̔̋́̉̿́̎̀̈̎̐͌̈́̕A̴̡̼͎̦̙͈̅̾͒͋̓̃̓̄͐͘ͅÌ̵̻̱̗̝͍̩̜̬͐̏̀̂̅̃͆̑͝ͅĻ̴̭̘̤̞̖̳̮̫̟̻͔̣͓̗̳̜̪̺̀̌͆͑̏̈́̅́̏̌̽̎͆̑͘͜ ̴̡̡̙̺̼̭͈̝̖̳̝̳̖̰̦̼̬̥̟͖͖̫̞͕̮͐̀̈́̊͆̕S̵̢̻̟̭̭̠͓̠̭̹̹̓̀̓͌͂͋͌́̿̒̍̊̈́̿̉̓͛͘A̵̡̧̝͖̰̩͕̻̩͚̯̝̞̩̘̤̺̮͒͜͜T̶̛̫̞͗̄̍͋̇͌̋͊̿̓͋͛̂̽̔͒̅̈́͝Ą̸̛̟̹̯̜͖͗̒̌̾͛̄̊̎͛̌̏̇͊̀̈́̕͝͠͝Ń̷̨̨̡̤̰̝͉͎͇͇̮̯͔̺̙̦̻̘̞̞̘̎̌̂̈́̐̎̈́͜

Super unrelated to this thread but just a friendly reminder for everyone to drink plenty of water, take your medications, wear some sunscreen, and call your mother.

T̸̡̝̰̭̞̱͚̺̪͙̗̳̣͇͎̼͔͇͎͙̖̔H̷̭̩̦́̓͛̈̓͗́͌́͗E̶̢̹̺̭̩̟̟̥̦̙̥͗͌̇͜ͅN̷̢̡̡͚͎̯̦͚̰͍̝̮̻͔͖̳͉̳̣̪̠̥͛͌̽̈́͑̋̂͝ ̶̡̛̗̮̼̜͖̜̖̫̜̭͎̹͍̻͛͜H̵̙̬͍͓̫̔̾̋̎̊̔̋́̉̿́̎̀̈̎̐͌̈́̕A̴̡̼͎̦̙͈̅̾͒͋̓̃̓̄͐͘ͅÌ̵̻̱̗̝͍̩̜̬͐̏̀̂̅̃͆̑͝ͅĻ̴̭̘̤̞̖̳̮̫̟̻͔̣͓̗̳̜̪̺̀̌͆͑̏̈́̅́̏̌̽̎͆̑͘͜ ̴̡̡̙̺̼̭͈̝̖̳̝̳̖̰̦̼̬̥̟͖͖̫̞͕̮͐̀̈́̊͆̕S̵̢̻̟̭̭̠͓̠̭̹̹̓̀̓͌͂͋͌́̿̒̍̊̈́̿̉̓͛͘A̵̡̧̝͖̰̩͕̻̩͚̯̝̞̩̘̤̺̮͒͜͜T̶̛̫̞͗̄̍͋̇͌̋͊̿̓͋͛̂̽̔͒̅̈́͝Ą̸̛̟̹̯̜͖͗̒̌̾͛̄̊̎͛̌̏̇͊̀̈́̕͝͠͝Ń̷̨̨̡̤̰̝͉͎͇͇̮̯͔̺̙̦̻̘̞̞̘̎̌̂̈́̐̎̈́͜

I recommend you do not put on sunscreen. It's poisonous and you're rubbing it all over your body. Same for "hand sanitizer"... it's mostly ethyl alcohol. Also poisonous. The alcohol ("Spirits") that you drink is methyl alcohol. Major difference.

Medications are pharmacia (Pharmacy). You should know what pharmacia is but then you would have needed to study Latin.

Water is Holy (Holy Water).

Call your mother. She loves you.
33 as is above so is below, wake up.

33 as is above so is below, wake up.


33 -- There are 3 PROJECTIVE SCALAR dimensions of space/time and 3 COORDINATE dimensions of space (X, Y, Z), with scalar time (no direction). Scalar just means magnitude only, no direction.

3 + 3 = 33. As above, so below (LAW of Nature). Nature comes from the Egyptian 'Ntr' (like Hewbew, no vowels) and means "of or related to the spirit".

What are PROJECTIVE dimensions, you ask? You would need to study Projective Geometry. The DOD doesn't want you to know how that works.

The Truth IS and NEVER perishes.

The TRUTH doesn't care if you accept it or not, or like it, or even pay attention. It IS. IGNORance (to ignore the TRUTH) is wrong and will cost you dearly.
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Projective -> Affine -> Metric -> Euclidean (Polar or Rectilinear).

I would venture to guess most have only heard of Euclidean Geometry.

Plato tried to tell you, but you didn't listen. Go read, Allegory of the Cave (Plato) -- can be done in less than 10 minutes. Don't listen to someone narrate an "explanation," READ it. This is where the term PLATOnic solids come from.

Projective Geometry IS "Sacred Geometry." Few comprehend.

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For your convenience:

"Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death."

You must look directly at the Sun (Son). There will be pain.
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Guns may have their place but gun enthusiasts are just so funny to me:

"Oh yeah bro, I LOVE holding this LONG SMOOTH BLACK ROD with both my hands, I always make sure its FULLY LOADED and make sure to COCK it and PULL until it EJECTS round after round"

Like just admit that you are gay bro it's totally cool nowadays...


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Why didn't you properly capitalize God in this response?

Do you think this is a joke?

And before you tell us all you were in too much of a hurry to capitalize God, you didn't miss capitalizing the name of the movie, The Ninth Gate. So, the movie demands your reverence but not God?

We know why. You're a satanist. You label me, so I label you.

Problem here is you can’t convince a atheist G-d exists…. They view all religious text as fairy tales while putting their FAITH in various scientific theories that can’t be fully tested… Which makes them really no different from a religious cult. Only difference is they don’t have rites and rituals….

Most Satanists are just Atheists taking a piss at Christians, knowing Christians won’t do anything about it. They don’t believe in Satan or else they would be confirming the existence of a higher power, such as G-d. The Atheists literally get their kicks from unknowingly/knowingly acting satanic. They put their faith in man, taunt religious folks, they believe they can become G-d, they believe man can create heaven on earth, and most are moral relativists(basically classic liberalism). They don’t seem to mess with Islam and Judaism all that much. I guess it’s because they rightfully fear retribution from the two most violent Abrahamic religions to date? So instead they pick the low hanging fruit and target modern Christians. When attacking or defending their beliefs they resort to gas lighting about how Christianity is the most oppressive religion despite the overwhelming number of examples proving otherwise. Their true reasons for disliking Christians mainly stems from their present day social and cultural views that are antithetical to traditional western (N. America/European) morals/culture. In a comical way they tend to abandon their most prized beliefs of critical thinking, science, and rationality to further their pursuit of destroying Western Values, Morals, and Culture…. In the long run they are their own worst enemy, a massive death cult, and most don’t even know it… No point in helping them…. Let their insane ideas die with them as generation after generation of G-d fearing religious folks have their ideas live on…
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