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Swag, explain.

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Lmao I see what you did, you quoted me and then edited to say something else. I think it’s hilarious btw.
Oh that's what happened, I was so confused mate :p Indeed, we all have laughs here. Sometimes it's better to escape the city and bZ drama lol. p.s if they ever made frank admin RIP bZ... Then again I don't need guns to take a person down, I got zero fucks as is hehe. At the end of the night all was good, dude paid his $300 tab i got free drinks. That prick lucky he alive, to throw HA name around where I live, can get you beat if not killed!
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Oh that's what happened, I was so confused mate :p Indeed, we all have laughs here. Sometimes it's better to escape the city and bZ drama lol. p.s if they ever made frank admin RIP bZ... Then again I don't need guns to take a person down, I got zero fucks as is hehe. At the end of the night all was good, dude paid his $300 tab i got free drinks. That prick lucky he alive, to throw HA name around where I live, can get you beat if not killed!
You don't carry a gun to "take a person down". You carry one to defend yourself from someone attempting to kill you. If you expect to use your fists against someone attacking you with a weapon like a gun or a knife then you're either crazy or stupid, especially if the option to carry a gun is available to you. Unfortunately for you as a Canadian however that option is not ( legally ) available to you in 99% of circumstances.

It's not about masculinity or being a tough guy. It's about valuing your life above that of a person attempting to kill you. Most of the time I do not carry a gun. For one I tend not to go out much anyway so my guns are safely in my house. When I do go out I am usually in a safe enough area that I don't feel threatened enough to carry. However knowing that the option is there for me if, for example, I go into downtown Nashville ,or if I ever visit Memphis, makes me feel safe in my ability to protect my own life from those who might potentially try to cause me harm.
Well for americans with the laws to carry firearms concealed or open, you might have the urge to step up.. Here I got balls and my word, and when a mate asks for help, i'll do it. Regardless of the risk and danger, I'll help out. It's just human nature for Canadians to help out. People bitch and say we say sorry a lot, I mean our foes do, but they disposed of after they plead..

I've done Krav Maga and used the knowledge and experience to my advantange. And no, I don't always go out my way to help someone, but then again, the Canadian comes out and I step up, with no regards of the risks, and knowing I don't have firearms legally to back me. We still do it. . Not all of us have the luxury to save our fellow mates with firearms, we sadly have to use our fists, thanks to our non-realistic laws up here which make us the hat of america!

Our laws are indeed flawed sadly, as much as I'd love to go out and save an innocent person with my firearms.. If I was to do so, i'd need a hell of a lawyer.. and risk jail time.. so in the end, they would rather the person die or wait for law enforment..
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Guns may have their place but gun enthusiasts are just so funny to me:

"Oh yeah bro, I LOVE holding this LONG SMOOTH BLACK ROD with both my hands, I always make sure its FULLY LOADED and make sure to COCK it and PULL until it EJECTS round after round"

Like just admit that you are gay bro it's totally cool nowadays...
Guns may have their place but gun enthusiasts are just so funny to me:

"Oh yeah bro, I LOVE holding this LONG SMOOTH BLACK ROD with both my hands, I always make sure its FULLY LOADED and make sure to COCK it and PULL until it EJECTS round after round"

Like just admit that you are gay bro it's totally cool nowadays...

Holy shit you are ignorant.

What's more amazing, you rag on "gun enthusiasts" while devoting your time to playing a GAME that's all about guns. You must be one of these so-called gun enthusiasts.

Also, your avatar is a man hanging upside down by an extended leg (dead). You are a satanist whether you realize it or not. Remove the other leg hanging to the side and that's an upside-down cross.

You should watch The Ninth Gate for a depiction of that ancient symbology.

I see you. Not today, Satan.

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Holy shit you are ignorant.

What's more amazing, you rag on "gun enthusiasts" while devoting your time to playing a GAME that's all about guns. You must be one of these so-called gun enthusiasts.

Also, your avatar is a man hanging upside down by an extended leg (dead). You are a satanist whether you realize it or not. Remove the other leg hanging to the side and that's an upside-down cross.

You should watch The Ninth Gate for a depiction of that ancient symbology.

I see you. Not today, Satan.

I'm not a satanist haha BUT The Ninth Gate is actually my favourite movie of all time lol. And the hanging man isn't a satanist symbol it's from the Tarot and symbolizes personal growth; in the Tarot the hanging man has a smile on his face because it's a wilful act, not a punishment/torture. This is something the movie gets wrong actually, probably because Polanski is ignorant of this (I don't think he's as smart as he pretends to be).

Also, if you think that movie is pro-satan you may have missed the point (although to be fair the book goes into way more detail).
I'm not a satanist haha BUT The Ninth Gate is actually my favourite movie of all time lol. And the hanging man isn't a satanist symbol it's from the Tarot and symbolizes personal growth; in the Tarot the hanging man has a smile on his face because it's a wilful act, not a punishment/torture. This is something the movie gets wrong actually, probably because Polanski is ignorant of this (I don't think he's as smart as he pretends to be).

Also, if you think that movie is pro-satan you may have missed the point (although to be fair the book goes into way more detail).
But... I'm into that. :D
I'm not a satanist haha BUT The Ninth Gate is actually my favourite movie of all time lol. And the hanging man isn't a satanist symbol it's from the Tarot and symbolizes personal growth; in the Tarot the hanging man has a smile on his face because it's a wilful act, not a punishment/torture. This is something the movie gets wrong actually, probably because Polanski is ignorant of this (I don't think he's as smart as he pretends to be).

Also, if you think that movie is pro-satan you may have missed the point (although to be fair the book goes into way more detail).

Willfully killing yourself? The Tarot is satanic. You have much ground to cover on your personal journey to the Truth.

Consider the source.... Roman Polański. Wow. Open your eyes and see what's in front of you. You think you've figured it out but that was all just a happy coincidence on Roman's part?

The movie is neither pro- nor anti-Satan. It's a story. You failed to grasp the message.

Again, I see you. I know all I need to know about you. You are lost in the desert. You can be found but that is left to your Free Will. Choose Wisely.

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Willfully killing yourself? The Tarot is satanic. You have much ground to cover on your personal journey to the Truth.

Consider the source.... Roman Polański. Wow. Open your eyes and see what's in front of you. You think you've figured it out but that was all just a happy coincidence on Roman's part?

The movie is neither pro- nor anti-Satan. It's a story. You failed to grasp the message.

Again, I see you. I know all I need to know about you. You are lost. You can be found but that is left to your Free Will. Choose Wisely.

Bro he's hanging by his foot not his neck lol, it's not about suicide it's about self-contemplation and meditation; no different from going to the gym or eating healthy, it's symbolic not literal. Polanski is a monster for sure, but hey so was Hitchcock and he made some neat movies too.

The Ninth Gate is a movie about man's hubris towards god, that's why it has all those weird fuckers worshipping satan trying to one-up each-other. It's more a movie about man's weakness than it is about an actual devil.
Here it is again, in the opening credits of Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.... a movie starring, surprise, Lucifer.

And, dude, the guy in that position in The Ninth Gate is not meditating. He was murdered by the Forces of Evil who came to take the pages of the Necronomicon (The Evil Dead & Army of Darkness).

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the world he does not exist (The Usual Suspects). Wise up.

BTW, hanging upside down like that for an extended period will result in death.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 130005.png
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The guy that was MURDERED in The Ninth Gate was not shot or stabbed (no blood). No ligature marks on the neck (no strangulation). This is a form of torture similar to being left on a crucifix to die. Crucifixion exhausts the diaphragm muscles to the point that one suffocates when one can no longer breathe. The lungs fill with fluid. Shoulders are dislocated. Gruesome and extremely painful. Your Lord died on the cross like this for you. He is Risen.

The man in The Ninth Gate was left hanging like that overnight, resulting in his death.

The human circulation system was not designed to operate in that mode. I suggest you do not attempt.

Now you know.
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The guy that was MURDERED in The Ninth Gate was not shot or stabbed (no blood) -- see related pic above.

He was left hanging like that overnight, resulting in his death.

The human circulation system was not designed to operate in that mode. I suggest you do not attempt.
Bro did you actually WATCH the movie? Because thats not at all what happens lol
Bro did you actually WATCH the movie? Because thats not at all what happens lol

Says you. Better go watch again. This time pay attention. (I've seen it at least 20 times. There is much to learn by studying the ways of your enemies.)

I appreciate this is all you can pick at. You've lost the argument. You're welcome.

Here is Conan from Conan the Barbarian left on the Tree of Woe to die of crucifixion. Note the metal dowel under his right armpit in which to mount a support hidden behind him to support him for theatrical purposes. No sane man would attempt this in real life.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 132314.png
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The Ninth Gate is a movie about man's hubris towards god, that's why it has all those weird fuckers worshipping satan trying to one-up each-other. It's more a movie about man's weakness than it is about an actual devil.

Why didn't you properly capitalize God in this response?

Do you think this is a joke?

And before you tell us all you were in too much of a hurry to capitalize God, you didn't miss capitalizing the name of the movie, The Ninth Gate. So, the movie demands your reverence but not God?

We know why. You're a satanist. You label me, so I label you.

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