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-bZ- Member
1.5 is back up.

@Superman Prime you are 100% a farmer and I will ban you from bz1.5 if you keep it up. bz1.5 is a noob server (though not intentionally, it just attracts noobs for whatever reason) and I cannot stand seeing 140s farm scrubs there.

Play on bz1 where there is real competition, or in your case, where you'll get wrecked.
@Superman Prime Trying to explain why he's the best and how everyone else is utter dog shit.

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No, I'm defending myself from all you idiots constantly attacking me.
I never claimed to be the best, or even implied it. You look at all the comments (not just here) and it's always about one of you attacking me and making false or misleading statements.
You guys feel empowered because of the herd mentality.
1.5 is back up.

@Superman Prime you are 100% a farmer and I will ban you from bz1.5 if you keep it up. bz1.5 is a noob server (though not intentionally, it just attracts noobs for whatever reason) and I cannot stand seeing 140s farm scrubs there.

Play on bz1 where there is real competition, or in your case, where you'll get wrecked.
I mean no disrespect when I ask this: ban me for what though exactly? I haven't disrespected or attacked you. Where do you get off saying I'm a farmer? I'm really not. I challenge anyone to spectate and record me. Also none of my battle reports show me being a farmer: I'm almost always pushing flags and I die doing it. Also, I play bz1 regulary, but not as much as 1.5 because I barely can get in there because of the queu... when I do play there, I actually only have a harder time, some of the time, because of some of the maps I'm not as familiar with, like stupid hagar 21. What are the players in Bz1 that make it so much more difficult? Because I rarely have a harder time in there than in 1.5. I've been in there every week for months now, and it is usually the same players. BATS, BSS, MVP, and so many other groups and players, go back and forth between the servers from what I've seen. I honestly can't think of an exception.
NO! Why so much hate ?! Did Neonardo write that post (or message, open letter) for apoloziging about his bad attitude to hackers? Not yet... Do you want to stop attacks on the servers or only continues having a shitty bad attitude? WAKE UP ! :p

P.S. I prefer BZ1.5 over BZ1 cause of vanilla maps, and this shitty remark about "farming nuubs" is only to insult people (bad shitty attitude again, shame on you mf, grow up) :(
Its unbelivable, now they are doing pubs for AARP and TBG... WOW
Its time to wake up friends.


-bZ- Member
NO! Why so much hate ?! Did Neonardo write that post (or message, open letter) for apoloziging about his bad attitude to hackers? Not yet... Do you want to stop attacks on the servers or only continues having a shitty bad attitude? WAKE UP ! :p

P.S. I prefer BZ1.5 over BZ1 cause of vanilla maps, and this shitty remark about "farming nuubs" is only to insult people (bad shitty attitude again, shame on you mf, grow up) :(
Its unbelivable, now they are doing pubs for AARP and TBG... WOW
Its time to wake up friends.
It's time to get a life outside of BF my fren.
This week I rushed on BZ1.5 precisely because the nuubs from BZ1 were coming to BZ1.5. They are easily recognizable because in addition to being nuub in the game, they vote for infantry maps like Locker... :p

They didn't even know that having an extra flag for our team meant that the other team loses 1 ticket per second! :p

The network should pay me like $10 per month (more thn Netfilx!) for all that teaching I had to do. :p
Just so it is clear, I have been working a bunch so I haven't been on much recently and the last two times I have been playing, I've had to play on BZ1. It is less fun of a server because it's usually one side dominating another spawn camping them. Doesn't matter how good an individual or small group like superman or myself or slicknick are if you're getting spawn camped and I was first or top 2-3 each game i played- not saying I'm good by any standards but I have some skill to not completely suck imo.

FYI to all the fucking weird haters of superman for camping, he pushes flags just as much as the rest of the discord group we are in but instead of being assholes and pushing to spawn camp we back off and let the other team have a flag or two. I think that's the DISTINCTION between 1.5 and 1, very rarely do you see one team have every flag because we try to make it fun for people. If you listen to our discord we will push until we get to the last flag or maybe even cap the last flag but we always back off to give them a fighting chance - Unlike BZ1 where every other game within the first 5 minutes one team has pushed the other into their spawn and are just farming kills.

@neonardo1 BZ1.5 is more noob friendly because when there's a bunch of noobs the "veterans" will (usually) not spawn camp them after capping most or all the flags, they will die a lot sure, but that just helps them get better. If they are stuck in their spawn getting killed it's no fun for anyone and ive literally been more bored on BZ1 than any other server bc of that issue. Whether you call that c"amping and not pushing a flag" or farming kills it is a legitimate way to keep the server more exciting for us.

Just my observations.
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Just so it is clear, I have been working a bunch so I haven't been on much recently and the last two times I have been playing, I've had to play on BZ1. It is less fun of a server because it's usually one side dominating another spawn camping them. Doesn't matter how good an individual or small group like superman or myself or slicknick are if you're getting spawn camped and I was first or top 2-3 each game i played- not saying I'm good by any standards but I have some skill to not completely suck imo.

FYI to all the fucking weird haters of superman for camping, he pushes flags just as much as the rest of the discord group we are in but instead of being assholes and pushing to spawn camp we back off and let the other team have a flag or two. I think that's the DISTINCTION between 1.5 and 1, very rarely do you see one team have every flag because we try to make it fun for people. If you listen to our discord we will push until we get to the last flag or maybe even cap the last flag but we always back off to give them a fighting chance - Unlike BZ1 where every other game within the first 5 minutes one team has pushed the other into their spawn and are just farming kills.

Just my observations.
Perfectly true, they were only projecting... :p


-bZ- Member
Just so it is clear, I have been working a bunch so I haven't been on much recently and the last two times I have been playing, I've had to play on BZ1. It is less fun of a server because it's usually one side dominating another spawn camping them. Doesn't matter how good an individual or small group like superman or myself or slicknick are if you're getting spawn camped and I was first or top 2-3 each game i played- not saying I'm good by any standards but I have some skill to not completely suck imo.

Thanks for confirmation on the fact that your group don't stand a chance in bZ1

The problem isn't always team stacking. 90% of the playerbase do not play by the rules (i.e playing flags in CQ) That is the issue
Just thought I'd throw it out there: Superman, if you want people to back off you, you should use !assist more often to help the loosing team and balance out the round. Lots of people will leave when they're getting crushed and the other team seems unstoppable. It's really not fun for anyone when you can't do anything. I acknowledge you're a good player, and a pain in my ass to play against. In my opinion, the better regulars in the community should be the ones assisting the most to keep a good balanced server populated. Or if you don't want to switch teams, take a break from the tank and let a noob play it while the other team catches up a bit.
Thanks for confirmation on the fact that your group don't stand a chance in bZ1

The problem isn't always team stacking. 90% of the playerbase do not play by the rules (i.e playing flags in CQ) That is the issue
Bro you're weird sitting in spawn with an AA 90% of games, I doubt anything you have to say holds actual merit with 95% of the people who play the game.


-bZ- Member
Bro you're weird sitting in spawn with an AA 90% of games, I doubt anything you have to say holds actual merit with 95% of the people who play the game.

You can choose to be ignorant, or you could analyze why I do what I do. If you don't care to think about my gameplay, why would you comment on it?
Just thought I'd throw it out there: Superman, if you want people to back off you, you should use !assist more often to help the loosing team and balance out the round. Lots of people will leave when they're getting crushed and the other team seems unstoppable. It's really not fun for anyone when you can't do anything. I acknowledge you're a good player, and a pain in my ass to play against. In my opinion, the better regulars in the community should be the ones assisting the most to keep a good balanced server populated. Or if you don't want to switch teams, take a break from the tank and let a noob play it while the other team catches up a bit.
That 100% won't cause THESE people to back off. I play game fair and square and I hunt other vehicles. I'm not giving my spot just to risk losing my game. Btw, in case you haven't read all the comments even before this post, many of my haters are here because I called them out for farming. One has hours upon hours of footage of me and can't produce anything that backs his claims.
Just thought I'd throw it out there: Superman, if you want people to back off you, you should use !assist more often to help the loosing team and balance out the round. Lots of people will leave when they're getting crushed and the other team seems unstoppable. It's really not fun for anyone when you can't do anything. I acknowledge you're a good player, and a pain in my ass to play against. In my opinion, the better regulars in the community should be the ones assisting the most to keep a good balanced server populated. Or if you don't want to switch teams, take a break from the tank and let a noob play it while the other team catches up a bit.
We will make an effort going forward to try to even out the teams, but we typically try to be on the opposite team of other groups like bats or BSS or mvp etc or even just like 4-5 good players we recognize bc that seems like the most fair way to do it.
You can choose to be ignorant, or you could analyze why I do what I do. If you don't care to think about my gameplay, why would you comment on it?
There's nothing there to analyze. It's not some chore or hard quest to figure the kind of player you are.
You're a true farmer and not even that good.
Thanks for confirmation on the fact that your group don't stand a chance in bZ1

The problem isn't always team stacking. 90% of the playerbase do not play by the rules (i.e playing flags in CQ) That is the issue
Such crap. We're in bz1 all the time, and even more now...it's nothing special. Y'all just try to make it special to feel special. Like I said before, the main issue I have is the maps that I don't play often. It has nothing to do with the players.
You can choose to be ignorant, or you could analyze why I do what I do. If you don't care to think about my gameplay, why would you comment on it?
Btw when I played on BZ1 with darksquare the last time I played on banzore, we were on the winning team and top 2 each game (maybe top 3 one game can't remember). It was boring bc it was just spawn camping them after taking all the flags. Most exciting parts of those games where when the opposing team took a flag with like 1 or 2 guys and we went there to kill them. Sitting and just killing them as they come out of spawn takes no skill so idk what you're on about pertaining to my original explanation and why you felt the need to try to belittle our skill when you sit in spawn 90% of games (or at least that is what has been told to me by multiple people in multiple discords and on the site). I don't even play with you enough to confirm that but from how you're acting I wouldn't doubt it one bit.
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