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Copperpin's report

I mean we could always split a rape charge on Gauss, Covert.. As they say, it's only gay if he pushes back ;)
Naw, it's only gay if you do it twice.. I mean we could always pass you around like a spliff in jail..
That's the level of English I expected
I guess that's kind of an inside joke... One of our scheduling ladies for contracting was called... well let's call her "Yolanda." Yolanda, I had contacted numerous times before deployment to see if I needed to go to HQ in order to go to a briefing before deployment. When my teammates and I arrive at HQ, my name isn't on the list. They try contacting Yolanda and I finally went back to my rental car to call her and she finally answered saying "Why... WHY YOU AT WHERE YOU BET AT?!?"

I had it on speakerphone and it was literally the most hilarious conversation which I only spoke 1 sentence in a 15 minute conversation. Other guys were in tears as well.
Frens, I usually take things pretty light hearted and I enjoy the ribbing (no homo) we do within game chat and discord chat, but if someone is on the pulpit and preaching some boosheet nonsense, Imma step on their dick or labia to correct it. Man/woman, doesn't matter.

What's frustrating is the ones that get offended and get annihilated by facts are the ones to cry about "discrimination, bigotry, racism, facism" and whatever cute talking points they have, but they can't refute it.

Doesn't matter if you're an alphabet, vet, accountant, or a resident of the United States that cosplays as a roomba, I'll let you know you're wrong.

I would expect anyone else, who has actual facts and statistics to do to me. So, how am I the bad guy?
I have no ill will towards anyone here.

It's just when specific bullshit is attempted to being spread, especially one that's so damaging, yeah I'm going to speak up.

I have no problem with copper, as long as that nonsense propaganda stops.

Doesn't matter if you believe your "community" or you "flag" represents something it's not, that's what it's being promoted as. Don't like it, disassociate with it and find a healthier group that isn't radicalized.
Bottom line of this thread is that covert has ptsd and spews hate speech like it’s nobody’s business. But you can’t say he’s hateful because he’s all about “frenship” so it’s ok

P.S. as the 100th post in this thread, anymore discussion just seems like beating a dead horse. Everyone said what they wanted to say