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lets just be honest about what is happening here - see attachment

I am not the only one who thought he was out of line. MULTIPLE players spoke about about my abuse by big - and one even made a formal complaint with evidence



-bZ- Member
how can you interpret that from these events?

this post is about being muted, killed three times and kicked for calling out someone who was griefing.

facts are facts - if people on whatever server in whatevrf place want to allow regulars to violate rules because they’re buddies with the mod

then they can get called out for that

Welcome to the real world, where what's "true" doesn't fucking matter. The only thing that matters is what you can prove with irrefutable evidence.

The evidence you provided (chat logs) show that you are an absolute fucking twat, which got you muted. And now you're here spamming more dogshit, when all you need to do is let it go.

You can learn from this. Next time you can use nvidia shadowplay or a similar program to capture evidence of people griefing you.
i don’t accept abuse
Welcome to the real world, where what's "true" doesn't fucking matter. The only thing that matters is what you can prove with irrefutable evidence.

The evidence you provided (chat logs) show that you are an absolute fucking twat, which got you muted. And now you're here spamming more dogshit, when all you need to do is let it go.

You can learn from this. Next time you can use nvidia shadowplay or a similar program to capture evidence of people griefing you.

Facts are facts - big is out of control with his mod powers.

Multiple other players said it live and one even filed a report with video evidence.

Do you want me to file a second report with the same video so there’s two?
Again i am not bothered by ad hominems. You all can take as many shots as me as you want. I do not care. i am not a pussy and do not accept being abused nor do react to being taunted.

Wizardman has a very real and a serious complaint abouf big that everyone should read before donatinf
it shows him muting me at the request of his friend who just stole my vehicle.

it then shows multiple players i dont even know objecting to my treatment by the mod.

multiple people saying theyd never seen it happen

multiple people saying it happened too fast

you werent there but multiple witnesses said it was wrong.

since when is calling someone out for griefing?

the people antagonzing me in chat were raiders squad mates and buddies

your read on the situation is way off and is wrong.
its not spam to try to get someone to return a vehicle they intentionally stole and are driving off with.

thats not spam.

i get that you dont want to have to see free speech you dont like but thats your problem


-bZ- Member
you know what CFR regulations cover this?

It's actually right there in the history statement of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Since the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921, the organization remains true to its founding principles to “ensure the precepts and principles of fair play on Battlefield Four. We utterly oppose teamkillers, griefers, campers, Putards, Girl Scouts, haxxors, haxxers, farmers, glitchers, nerds, dweebs, and chat trolls. We also strongly advocate that Wake Island be made into a map for Battlefield Four and our team of deadly ninja assassins is poised to kill anyone who gets in our way over this most worthy goal.
