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lets just be honest about what is happening here - see attachment

Get out for air, go to the store or go to the gas station to feel superior to those who work there, do something other than gain weight and get angry in your wooden gamer chair. Stop living up to your name and make something of your sad life.
Do you think you will solve your complaint by doing this?
Think about it.
Get out for air, go to the store or go to the gas station to feel superior to those who work there, do something other than gain weight and get angry in your wooden gamer chair. Stop living up to your name and make something of your sad life.
Do you think you will solve your complaint by doing this?
Think about it.

Why are you absurdly upset about something that has nothing to do with you?
“writes words”
“whyyyy are you making us reaaaaad aaaaaaggghhh”

god forbid we shit on gas station attendees but gay folks and retards - let them have it!
Damn man, some words of advice.. Don't fucking spam the thread.. it will get you nowhere and all of us thinking you're retarded or something and end up trolling you.. Honestly, just post one message with your side of the story and with as much evidence as you can. Don't expect much when its buddy buddy situation, but still have hope lol.. You keep going like this is making everyone hate you more and you'll just get thrown off the train.. As they said it's just a game, people steal my vehicles as well, its annoying yes, but it is what it is, always be kiddies out there.
So, take a chill pill get some fresh air and move on.. The admins here aren't that bad in my years of playing.. Yeah we have our moments but it comes down to respect and PTFO!
Greetings again.

I do not condone stealing vehicles. I adhere to and agree with BZ rules. There are some nuances and some finer details that I may not agree with, but in general they're solid.

Accidents happen man. I just posted a video the other day when I had to report another player. In that video, I was typing in chat that another player stole my LAV from A on Silk Road. I didn't report him, I didn't file a grievance or make a complaint against him. It was a mistake and we moved on. No harm, no foul.

Seriously though, hop in tonight and let's squad up. I'll gun for you and lase too while repairing. This has eaten at you much more than it should have. I don't want to see players be barred from great servers and a good community like BZ because of something this benign.
It was not an accident, and I don't accept that framing of these events. It was intentional griefing. I didn't want to bring it to the forums so I called him out in game. Then he had one of his friends who was a mod mute me. I was muted IMMEDIATELY after raider called for me to muted.

If you pay off the mods, you get to steal and punish other players with impunity I guess.
Raider never called for anyone to be muted. Raider and Swag are not friends. We all play together sporadically here and there, I consider Swag to be a rational, level headed, and good guy as is Raider. We had been trying to get whiteknight01x (sp) into disc all night into rTr's server but were unable to so we all joined in BZ's channels so we could all communicate.

I'm telling you homie, you're making this out to be something that it's not. Hop in game, I'm getting ready to jump in. C'mon, lets just get some killin' on!
Yes, he did. It's in the chat log. Please don't lie.

I realize your lil clique wanted the vehicle I was using, but this is really an extreme defense of what was really not a cool thing to do by your friend.

Just admit he did it, apologize, and move on.

This gaslighting, and lying, and abuse of mod powers is just insane.
I'm not lying.

Not myself, Raider, nor anyone else can sway the admin/mods decisions without evidence.

Just because some obscure phrase is in a chat log doesn't mean it's an accurate account of events. If that were the case, inflation wouldn't be transitory (<3 vlad).
What? You are lying. The chat log very clearly says that he called for me to be muted immediately before. there's video evidence.

There is video evidence of what I am saying, that Raider called for me to be muted instead of returning my vehicle, and then big actually did it.

That's what happened. Please stop trying to distort the timeline to protect your friend.

You're not a neutral party - you're his best buddy.
And frankly Covert, you were the one who escalated in game during chat.

The log and video evidence does not speak kindly of how you behaved.
You were temporarily muted to stop the back and forth that was going nowhere. Multiple people tried to explain the way things work and you showed zero regard.
You were promptly muted until the current round ended which was very soon, instead of letting it go you chose to continue your rant.
This led to your eventual kick, the kick was automatic due to your inability to read.

You were not muted per the request of a player, you were muted so you'd take a moment and read what was being presented to you.
It was only coincidence.
Vagabond, if Raider ever said anything to the effect of you to be muted, I never saw it. If this is the case, I apologize for my inaccuracies.

However, just because someone wants or requests someone to be muted does not mean they will be. BZ admins are not coerced by such things and they review evidence to come to and validate their decisions.
I hadn't spoken in quite some time when I was muted, and it was after a series of false report spams by raiders friends. Look at the video evidence.

I didn't even realize I was muted because I had never been muted for what was a very normal chat log.

Why would 2 other players immediately speak up for me if it wasn't sudden?

Why would so many other players say "wow that was fast" or "wow i've never seen that happen" when you took punitive action?

why would wizardman report you?

i find it quite damning that multiple players objected to my treatment, and one even reported it.

you can keep gaslighting me - but numerous people saw what happened and reacted with shock.

"we do not police chat to that extent" - except when?
"When you take a vehicle back or do not move one from the original spawn location, it allows others to spawn directly into it.
Simply saying "get out" may not be enough for someone to realize they stole the vehicle from you.
