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Square Panties - Who threatens to ban people..


-bZ- Member
Maybe you did, but it's baseless. The times I "farmed" was way back when I first started and I didn't play hardcore. Back when bz24 was up, there was not a single game that I played with you that you could legit say I was farming. I was always pushing flags to get points to get #1 on the server, which I did.
And it's not "we". This whole "hate on superman" started when I called out a couple of dudes (3 to be exact) for farming, and you dishonestly chimed in. They only called me a farmer cause I called them one. So many people, especially JL, have so many videos of me and not one shows me farming. Go touch grass.
You have called every one of us liars when we state you are a farmer.... let's see to date there are 57 forum posters that have called you out as a farmer.... guess we are all liars, and you are the true saint.

Shall I also quote our leader as well calling you out...oh wait you cried after that posting too.

And you continue that same path on other servers.... your quest to be #1, by farming. Guess some peeps need that validation in life and yours is through a 10-year-old game....so pathetic. You need to get out of your mom's basement, see the sun, breathe in fresh air, have friends outside of the make-believe game worlds.
You have called every one of us liars when we state you are a farmer.... let's see to date there are 57 forum posters that have called you out as a farmer.... guess we are all liars, and you are the true saint.

Shall I also quote our leader as well calling you out...oh wait you cried after that posting too.

And you continue that same path on other servers.... your quest to be #1, by farming. Guess some peeps need that validation in life and yours is through a 10-year-old game....so pathetic. You need to get out of your mom's basement, see the sun, breathe in fresh air, have friends outside of the make-believe game worlds.
Those 57 forum posters are all by the same people, and again, nothing I've done indicates what you claim. From bz24 to now, I've pushed flags, as winning and surviving are both important to me ingame.
I didn't cry. I privately messaged him and he admitted to only seeing my stats, not actual gameplay. My gameplay does not show me farming.
That third paragraph of yours is just stupid. By that logic, you're a hypocrite. It's a game I enjoy playing it and try to be the best at. It had nothing to do with "validation". What are you even doing here wasting time arguing then? This last paragraph of yours primarily comes from a place of personally knowing me and you don't. You haven't even gotten a single thing right about me. I think you need to touch grass...or a woman (with consent of course).
I'm not sure why this has become such a big deal. I mean, there's literally a 10+ que in BZ1, 1.5 and 2 every evening. One match being unbalanced DOES NOT KILL THE SERVER. 1.5 naturally empties out around 10:00, because maybe most of us have jobs? Perhaps in the days when there were hundreds of full servers, one blowout or a shitty map could kill the server, but I don't see that as being the case today. Can't we all just get along and help keep the game alive? There's only so much a handful of regulars can do to balance the server. Last night some bot was whining in team chat, "why aren't we winning?", I responded, "look at your score for the answer." It was more of a general response about the team, not necessarily directed specifically towards him, but he responded, "says the one 5-23". Even though I was 2nd on our team with 8000 points and most had 3000. When 75% of the server thinks that k/d wins a conquest match, it's hard to have any balance.
All this talk from all of you but just search the BZ chat on BZ1 and 1.5 and post how many times you have used the !assist command and the !moveme command. There are timestamps and don't worry I will double check. I know most of you are full of shit so lets see what you come up with...
I use Options: Team Setup: Switch Teams, far more than the !assist command. For one thing, assist is off for the first 5 minutes, only allows one assist every couple minutes and it can be glitchy.


-bZ- Member
If any of you want to face us, Serlose and I are ready to take you on. We don’t hide and we don’t switch teams.
im always down to jump in your shit lol. just hard when your side is stacked. but... i got ya ill see you in game bud. :) as far as the stacking goes it is hard to fill a server when there is one side hard stacked. i switch to losing team all the time to try and keep the server full and not run off players. I love the servers as there are not many left i try and keep them full. just my 2 cents
im always down to jump in your shit lol. just hard when your side is stacked. but... i got ya ill see you in game bud. :) as far as the stacking goes it is hard to fill a server when there is one side hard stacked. i switch to losing team all the time to try and keep the server full and not run off players. I love the servers as there are not many left i try and keep them full. just my 2 cents
Get on at night, and we can team up and have some fun! The issue seems to be with the "auto-balance" system. Often, when we lose a match because we're on the weaker team, the next map moves all the high-level players to the losing team, which is us, creating an imbalance. This pattern happens frequently: the losing team ends up with all the top players in the next match. Is there any way to adjust the algorithm to address this?


Get on at night, and we can team up and have some fun! The issue seems to be with the "auto-balance" system. Often, when we lose a match because we're on the weaker team, the next map moves all the high-level players to the losing team, which is us, creating an imbalance. This pattern happens frequently: the losing team ends up with all the top players in the next match. Is there any way to adjust the algorithm to address this?
its because of the ''auto-balance'' system hahahaa oh man pls bro no more


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using myself as an example is waaay too selfish but sadly i have to (i dont like to act like this), but im just one of the 5 people that actually use the !assist command to help the weakest team, and i dont care if we end 0-300 if i do my best, yes i talk shit about how they use their time (more specifically how they choose their classes).
Most of you know that i can be a douchbag playing metro, im annoying as fuck giving orders to the team in general, but still im going to switch even if we dont have a chance to win, if i believe that i can make a difference i will play on it. Every grain is helpful to the greatest major.

(I wrote this drunk as fuck the other day, but i had a point lol)
I know I should !assist more often, but shoutout to Dildano. Dudes a great player and assists the losing side constantly. One of the few people actively working to keep bz1 balanced imo
LOL this was hilarious. Thanks!
If only we could make others behave as we command uh...? lmao
I used to always assist. But the player quality now is horrible. If a team is losing big time but trying big time as well. Good. I will help. If the team is losing big time and appears to not care and looks like no one is attempting flag caps............see ya.
Yes, let’s chuckle at the regulars who contradict themselves and call out others for behaviors they engage in themselves. In the end, our aim is to have fun and handle the snowflakes. By the way, why do all the high K/D players seem so sensitive? We in squads always come out on top ;)


Bro, it's your friend complaining. Silent has corrupted you and changed you. AND BTW, SILENT RAPING THE SERVER AND KILLING IT, IS BANNABLE. I don't know what admin you are asking, but besides that, neo says it's not allowed. If you can, switch to even the teams out because going 40-0, all capping the server so everyone leaves, is not permitted. You're killing the server, and it's why bz1.5 dies so much sooner than 1. Many people Assist in 1 helping the other team, so it's not stacked. I don't know what kind of ego you need to all cap and kill everyone in their spawn over and over again...
you're a fucking fag like Fluff and waits for the Hilo to farm the damn server.
Cry more