The only bad behavior here is you. No one cares what you have to say because you are being an insufferable cunt about it. You could be trying to tell the world that Swag murdered your deal old grandmother with a rolling pin and still no one would care because the way you are going about doing it is the cuntiest way imaginable. If you had even a modicum of civility in your miserable little body then perhaps the people here would take you and your complaint seriously but you don't so you're going to continue to get shit on by the people who matter in the banzore community ( read not you ) because that is all your behavior has deserved.
This is not a court of law. You are not at your local town meeting. The only thing that matters here is how you talk to people. If you talk to people like an asshole then you are going to be treated like one, which is to say roughly and with very little lubrication.